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Spiritual Maturity in Christianity

We know physical maturity, emotional maturity, and spiritual maturity. In this article, we are talking about the latter, especially with regard to the Christian religion: let’s say we will talk about spiritual maturity in Christianity.

First of all, it must be emphasized that the Christian life is similar to a man’s life. Our conversion symbolizes our birth. Like infants, we initially consume only milk, the basics, and the foundations of faith. But over the years, we have been called to grow and consume not milk but solid food! Spiritual maturity comes with time. The same cannot be said of a new convert and a “mature” Christian. Whatever it is, we are all called to evolve.Spiritual maturity in Christianity

Spiritual Maturity in Christianity?

Spiritual maturity in Christianity is becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. Every Christian, once saved, begins a process of spiritual growth whose goal is to reach maturity. The Apostle Paul describes this process as a continuous, life-long journey. In Philippians 3: 14-14, concerning the full knowledge of Christ, he tells his readers, “It is not that I have already won the prize or that I have already attained perfection, but I am running to strive for to seize it, since from me too, Jesus Christ has seized. Brothers and sisters, I do not feel myself having already taken it, but I do one thing: forgetting what is behind and taking me to what is ahead, I run towards the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Jesus Christ. Like Paul, we must always move toward a deeper knowledge of God in Christ.

Christian maturity requires a radical redefinition of our priorities: we must no longer seek to please ourselves but to please God and learn to obey Him. The key to maturity is consistency and perseverance to do what we know will bring us closer to God. These spiritual practices include reading and studying the Bible, prayer, fellowship, and service. Even though these things require a lot of effort, none of them is possible without the help of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us.

Galatians 5:16 exhorts us to “walk in the Spirit.” The Greek term used here means “walking with a destination in sight.” Later in the same chapter, Paul again exhorts us to “walk in the Spirit,” but this time, the term translated “walk” implies the idea of advancing “step by step, one step at a time.” It is learning to walk according to the instructions of another: the Holy Spirit. To be filled with the Spirit means to walk under the guidance of the Spirit. The more we submit to Him, the more we will produce fruits of the Spirit in our lives (Galatians 5.22-23). This is the characteristic of spiritual maturity in Christianity.

By becoming Christians, we receive everything we need to reach spiritual maturity. Peter says, “His divine power has given us all that is necessary for life and godliness by making known to us the one who has called us by his [own] glory and by his strength. (2 Peter 1.3) God is our only resource, and we grow by grace, but we are responsible for obeying him.

Here again, Peter gives us useful advice: ” For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith moral quality, moral quality, knowledge, knowledge, self-control, mastery of perseverance, perseverance, piety, piety, fraternal friendship, fraternal friendship, love. Indeed, if these qualities are in you and develop, they do not leave you inactive or sterile for the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. ” (2 Peter 1.5-8)

Being active and bearing fruit in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus is the very essence of spiritual maturity in Christianity. Maturity is also a personal choice that we are called to make to acquire more knowledge. Indeed, knowledge is instructive and liberating.

In the following lines, we will present some areas of the Christian life where we can choose to mature to grow spiritually and become spiritual pillars for those around us.

How to Become Spiritually Mature as a Christian?

1- Exhort and Share His Knowledge with Others

There is a time to be taught and a time to benefit others from what we have learned. The role of the ministries is paramount in the lives of believers, but they must also be guided by the Holy Spirit and carry out the word of God both for themselves and to energize others and help them to enter; also in the actual knowledge of God. A Christian is a disciple able to reproduce the teachings and deeds of his Master but also to transmit them. Let’s not be selfish and learn to share our knowledge with the people who need it humbly.

This is a rule of spiritual maturity in Christianity. When we share our knowledge of God and our experiences with others, we contribute to our maturity as Christians. But to share, one must own and also have a clear understanding of the scriptures.

2 – Deepen Our Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge has many dimensions, and these are steps we take step by step, month after month and year after year. Many Christians are content with the simple basics of the beginning of their conversion instead of seeking to deepen their knowledge of God and the Scriptures. Investing time to learn more about God will inevitably have repercussions and benefits on our own lives and make us mature men and women.

As we have said, maturity goes hand in hand with growth in Christ. But you cannot grow in Christ without deep knowledge of Christ. But deepening is not enough. We must be driven by a thirst for understanding the word of God that will lead us day by day to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the word of God.

3 – We Examine Ourselves and Support Others

We are and must be in perpetual questioning and questioning. It is important to learn to evaluate ourselves regularly to know where we are in relation to faith.

Many Christians spend more of their time worrying about what others are doing rather than looking at their own spiritual position. Such an attitude makes us regress, or what I say disqualifies us from spiritual maturity.

That’s why we have to spend time inspecting and stripping ourselves of anything that prevents us from being more effective. As for the others, whether they are progressing or not, whether they are doing well or not, let us pray and let God correct their progress.

Spiritually mature people do not spend their time judging or blaming others. On the contrary, they want to see them grow or grow in Christ. Because they realize that they share the same struggles with others, although from different angles. As much as they question themselves and face challenges, they are aware that others are in such a situation. Thus, they opt for spiritual caring – using prayer for others, for example.

4 – Search Unity

It cannot be said enough: a Christian living in discord is still fleshly and has not understood the basics of the Christian faith. To live in quarrels, disputes, jealousy, or division is blatant proof that our Christianity is not authentic and that the old nature has not yet been fully crucified at the cross. Such a believer cannot go far in the faith. Salvation requires constant work on ourselves and a permanent discipline of our flesh.

Seeking unity here could make sense of seeking peace, understanding, and harmony in your surroundings – and not being a vector of discord.

5 – Study and Put into Practice

Some Christians are champions of endless discussions! They expend a lot of effort and energy to explain theories, to prove by A plus B that their doctrine is right, their thought correct, but no fruit because they remain at the “intellectual” stage of the faith.

Having knowledge is a good thing, but if we do not put it into practice, that knowledge is useless! God is asking us to put the word into practice. Faith needs to be manifested by our actions because, without works, faith is dead. As we tend to say, “practice is the key to perfection.” In other words, I would say, too, “the practice of the word of God is a channel of spiritual maturity.”

6 – Refer to the Word of God Constantly

Whatever our spiritual level, the word of God will always be there to guide us. All our experiences, feelings, and emotions must be analyzed and validated by means of the Word.

Over time, a certain routine can set in among Christians, which may give us the impression that everything is acquired. However, God constantly renews our thoughts, so let us be flexible, and we will discover new treasures and pearls in the word. Christian maturity is also that of a pure heart, willing and marveling at every moment.

Spiritually mature people, as Christians, should be aware that no matter their level of faith, knowledge, or commitment to the cause of God: the Bible will remain a guide for them – a counselor. In short, the holy writings must be a creed for them.

7 – Meeting Spiritual Challenges in God’s Service

There are many spiritual challenges around us! There is a champion sleeping in each of us. Those who are called to be heroes are ordinary people who believe in an extraordinary God. Do not wait to see God give you an extraordinary task, invest where you can and give your best! This is how God will see your faithfulness, and you will trust more and trust you for great things.

Set realistic goals for the advancement of God and also for your spiritual growth. The routine or life without a goal has never been fruitful or even contributed to maturity.

8 – Living According to Our Faith and Spiritual Level

God takes into account the spiritual level of each one of us. He will not ask the same thing of everyone. This is why everyone must live in proportion to the faith that has been given to them. Let us not try to imitate such a current or such a mode, such a person or preacher.

What is important is that we be true and authentic before God. If our faith is weak or wavering sometimes, let’s talk about it to the Lord, who will strengthen us over time. It is our mistakes that come from experience and maturity.

Avoid comparing yourself to others. If there is one person to whom you must measure yourself, it is indeed Christ. And the more you compare your life to Christ’s, the more you will feel your smallness and need to be like Christ and to take the Lord as a model. This is how you will fix them on Christ. In this way, you will grow in maturity.

9 – Have Faith and Trust in God Despite Winds and Tears

Fear does not exclude danger; we must trust God to be qualified for his interventions. Doubt can beset us all, but we must grow in the knowledge of God and believe that He will act faithfully according to His word.

God will not intervene in the lives of those who, while claiming him, do not trust him. Let us ask God to increase our faith, and whatever oppositions we encounter, seek to remain serene in prayer, and his perfect peace will keep our hearts and minds. The more your faith in God grows, the more you will mature.

10 – To Fully and Intimately Lead His Relationship in Christ

We cannot really mature if we do not have the following:

– a life of prayer: prayer is the water of the spirit. It is the motor of all Christian life. It allows our faith and our life to be in motion. A Christian life without prayer is a dead life. Prayer is communicating with God. Is there an intimate relationship without communication?

– a life of constant meditation: the Bible is the food of the spirit. It allows you to acquire the necessary knowledge for your maturity. It allows us to get closer to God by learning from day to day who this God we worship is. Is not learning to know someone important to strengthen our relationship with this person?

– a life of personal evangelization: to evangelize is the work of the spirit. We must be active and, above all, accept to be channels for Christ. The truth is that when we accept to be God’s channels for the propaganda of the gospel: God works in us, then with us, then through us, and finally for us. This is how we become not only useful for the Lord but also for others and for ourselves.

In Summary on Spiritual maturity in Christianity

Spiritual maturity in Christianity should not be confused with perfection. Maturity in our Christian life translates growth into Jesus Christ. And the Christian is called to aspire to perfection. However, to be spiritually mature as a Christian does not mean that we are perfect. On the contrary, sanctification that leads to perfection is a daily affair.

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