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The Diversity of Christian Denominations

The Christian Churches abound: but beliefs diverge, systems are different … We see more and more the appearance of several Christian denominations with opposing confessions. This observation is challenging. We notice somewhere that there is a contrast. Faced with this situation, we can ask ourselves: Why are there so many Christian denominations? What are the consequences of the diversity of Christian denominations? What is the Bible’s view of this phenomenon?

Indeed, the Bible which is recognized as the basic book of Christianity makes these statements:

1. “There is one God” (Deuteronomy 6: 4).

2. “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all …” (1 Timothy 2: 5-6).

3. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me, “says Jesus in John 14: 6.

The Diversity of Christian DenominationsTherefore, these passages logically show that Christ is and must be the center of Christianity. And the Bible declares that God is not divided, but One. This is how to understand this diversity within such a religion as Christianity.

Before answering these questions, let us return briefly to the story of the birth of Christianity. Borrowed from the Latin “Christianismus,” Christianity refers to the religion of Christians. Who are the Christians? A Christian is one who professes or adheres to the religion resulting from the teachings, the doctrines of Jesus Christ. In other words, we call Christians a follower of the religion of Jesus Christ. And the Bible adds that it was at Antioch that for the first time the disciples of Jesus Christ were called “Christians” (see Acts 11:26).

Christianity Which Comes From Judaism, Could Be Among the Reasons for the Diversity of Christian Denominations

The second great monotheistic religion, after Judaism, Christianity comes from Judaism. According to the biblical spirit, Christianity is the continuation of Judaism. Indeed, the coming of Jesus Christ was to give a new color to Judaism. For Judaism, a religion revealed by Jehovah and linked to Jesus Christ was a religion destined for the Jews for a time. This is shown by the system of sacrifices and worship that the Bible declares to be the shadow of things to come (see Colossians 2:17). So in reality, Christianity should not be seen as a new religion, but as a substitute for Judaism. This replacement was in the plan of Jehovah who wanted to universalize the religion that he had revealed since the beginning of time to humanity.

I Have Come Not to Abolish but to Fulfill

This is why we can understand when Jesus Christ declared this: “Did not believe that I came to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill “(Matthew 5:17, New King James Version). This statement of Jesus Christ leads us to understand that Judaism was going to have a continuity, but with new dispositions, teachings, and doctrines fully fulfilling the will of God who wants to reveal Himself to all humanity (to all people, languages…). This implies that if until then, Judaism was typically devoted to the Jews – Christianity meanwhile would be universal. Thus, according to History, from the first century AD, Christianity detaches itself from Judaism to the point of becoming a religion. This religion will retain the part of Judaism [contained in the teachings of Christ] and add to it the gospel of Christ. As a result, Christianity according to its origins is a religion revealed by Jehovah, the Eternal God, in Jesus Christ will become the universal religion according to the plan of God contained in the biblical spirit.

In parenthesis, It is good to note that it is the Roman Catholic Church that invented Christianity. Under the banner of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church has only appropriated this religion to extend the rule of the Roman Empire in one way or another. […] Let’s go back to the diversity of denominations.

Reasons for the Diversity of Christian Denominations

We can detect several reasons to know:

1 – The Denial of Christ as the Center of Christianity

Among the denominations calling themselves Christian, we have some of them who are only “sects.” They profess to be of Christianity, but they deny Christ and his divinity – or do not consider him as the only, only Lord and personal Savior – or pray to the name of another, instead of Christ’s – or even the Christ is not the center of their worship. These denominations have pioneered a path, an orientation other than those of the Bible. They claim to be Christianity, but they are not in Christianity. As a result, this fact is one of the reasons for the diversity of Christian denominations.

2 – The Misunderstanding or Bad Interpretation of the Biblical Writings

The Bible is not a human literary work (novel, myth …). On the contrary, it is special: God is the authentic Author, and his writers are human. God who is a spirit, wanting to address men has only chosen to choose people as a channel to write and transmit what he had to say to humanity. The Bible should be seen as the “Manual of Heaven given to the earth. ” Regarding the Bible, it is written, ” Knowing that no prophecy of Scripture [the Bible], can be a particular object of interpretation. Because it is not by a man’s will that a prophecy [the Bible] has never been brought, but it is from the Holy Spirit that men have spoken from God. ” (2 Peter 1: 20-21, King James Version).

Thus, “ignorant and unsteady people twist the meaning …” (see 2 Peter 3:16). And of course, the misunderstanding or bad interpretation of the biblical writings of some people led them to create their community to spread their ideology, understanding biblical. This will favor the creation of several denominations, each of which will defend its ideology or belief.

3 – Human Personal Ambitions are Reasons for the Diversity of Christian Denominations

“I urge you, brothers, to beware of those who cause divisions and scandals, to the detriment of the teaching you have received [that of Christ]. Stay away from them. For such people do not serve Christ our Lord, but their belly; and by sweet and flattering words, they seduce the hearts of the simple. ” (Romans 16: 17-18, King James Version).
This is another valid reason for the diversity of Christian denominations: personal human ambitions. It is because egoism, greed, excessive ambition, the thirst for power, and domination of some people will lead them to create their Christian denomination. From there, many false servants of God (leaders, pastors, prophets …) are spreading in the Christian world – not for the true cause of Christ nor in the true spirit of Christianity, but rather for their interest.
Often these ambitious people find as proof of the creation of their denomination: the fact that they were called by God or mandated by God to create a “ministry.”

4 – The Devil’s Human Error Initiative Led by the Devil

In his rebellion against God and fight against the salvation of man in Jesus Christ, Satan will disguise himself as a sheep, even though he is a ravening wolf. Then he will enter the sheepfold of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Satan, to achieve this unhealthy purpose, will use people willing to his cause (his henchmen, his agents …) to sow tares, doubt, confusion, lies, blasphemy, contempt, rejection to dirty and divide Christianity. From there, Satan will also create so-called Christian denominations. Satan is also at the origin of the diversity of Christian denominations to sow trouble in Christianity, to set its traps, and to mislead a lot of people, leading them into errors (far from the pure teachings of Christ). Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-12.
Just like the people who use Christ to reach their interests, the agents of the devil who are introduced to Christianity: the Bible that we will recognize them by their fruits, that is to say, by their works, as the book of Matthew 7: 15-20 points out.

5 – Frustration, Leadership Conflicts, Differences of Opinion

There are people who have been in a Christian community, and when there is frustration or humiliation in it, they then decide to leave their community and create their community there. On the other hand, some people separate themselves from their community and then create another denomination because they aspire to be the leader of a community. We could talk about human pride. In the same way, other people, because they have divergences on points in the Bible with their community, she deems it good to separate from this one and to create a new denomination proper to their conception of things.

But until then, a pertinent question is open to us: What favors the rise of the diversity of Christian denominations?
Several factors could make way. In this case, it is because man always looks for what is out of the ordinary. Also, the man seeks to hear “what he wants” and “not what he owes.” Let’s read 1 Timothy 4: 1-2.


Also, there is fanaticism. Note that some people espouse the ideology of some denominations when they meet their desires, the best known is that of miracles. As a result, these people follow the “miracle workers” who are not necessarily God. […]

Another factor is that the Bible is not the subject of a serious daily study of some people who give themselves thoughtlessly to false doctrines and principles. And let us not forget that some people who have not accepted or made Christ the true center of Christianity or even not having as their first concern the salvation of their souls find that the Lord may be everywhere in any church. Especially if it pronounces the name “Jesus”; thus supporting the adage: “All roads lead to Rome”. […]

However, what about the consequences of the diversity of Christian denominations?

The Consequences of the Diversity of Christian Denominations

1 – The Propaganda of a False Gospel, Including the Gospel of Prosperity

The term false gospel takes into account several false doctrines, but we enumerate that “the gospel of prosperity.” From the diversity of Christian denominations comes the propaganda of a false Gospel, from which comes the “gospel of prosperity.” By this, men will no longer seek God in spirit and truth, but they see God as a distributor of goods, an ATM. To achieve their ends, miracles, revelations, non-biblical practices will be adapted to blind the followers of the false gospel. Sermons are directed to money, blessing, work, marriage.

2 – The Diversity of Christian Denominations caused Apostasy

In this diversity of Christian denominations, many false men of God (pastors, prophets, doctors …) and also many sects were born. Satan has managed to break into the Christian world and has caused trouble, disorder.

2 – The Diversity of Christian Denominations caused Skepticism

The diversity of Christian denominations has led some people to skepticism. Many people no longer believe in Christianity. There are people who do not know what Christian denomination they believe in, or even worse they are categorically discouraged from Christianity.

3 – Bringing Together the People of the Creator and Not of the Creator.

For personal interests, some leaders have led the eyes and the hearts of their followers to them and not to God. Some believers are attached to their church and not to God. They are certainly known to their congregation, appreciated by their leader, honored by their brothers and sisters in Christ, but they are unknown to God: they are not part of the true worshipers of the Lord. Because the basis of their worship is non-compliant with the Bible, their heart is diverted from God.
They were indoctrinated by their leaders. Because one of the weapons to keep the people in error or attached to a religious leader is indoctrination. An indoctrinated people are attached to either its denomination or its leader and not to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The people no longer refer to the Bible, to have intimacy with God, nor to truly consult God. On the contrary, they trust only revelations. They only want to listen to what they want to listen to, not what they have to listen to.

4 – The Image of Christ and His Principles Confused in Some Minds

The multitude of Christian denominations, certainly, made known Christianity but not the Lord and Savior of Humanity in its real image. Yes, the churches are known. But the Head of the Church himself seems to be misunderstood. Yes, Christianity exists in the name, but its teachings are poorly appreciated. The teachings of Jesus Christ have been distorted, twisted, misinterpreted, and misunderstood in some Christian communities. It is thus engendered in them: a compromised and corrupt faith.

In reality, what we believe in God has an impact on us, it determines our relationship with God. In communities even, leaders have taken the place of God. The power, the glory, the honor, which must be given to God alone in Jesus Christ are attributed to the men of God who use Christ.

But in the face of the reasons and consequences of the diversity of Christian denominations, the Bible does not remain silent. What is the look of the Bible on this subject?

The Look of the Bible on the Diversity of Christian Denominations

In this confusion, the Bible, the book that traces the past of humanity, actualizes the present and presents the future of humanity, has not left humanity indifferent.
In this worrisome situation, through the Bible, God is showing the way to humanity. According to the Bible, a religion that truly meets the standards and criteria of true Christianity can be summed up in this passage:
“And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went away to battle to the remnant of his seed, to those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. ” Revelation 12:17 (King James Version).
In this prophecy: the dragon = Satan; the woman = the Church (the set of Christian believers); to the remains of his posterity = the Christian faithful. This passage tells us that faithful and true Christians are those who “keep the commandments of God” and “the faith or the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

According to the Bible, the True Worshipers of the Creator God of Heaven and Earth Are Those:

1. Who has “the faith or testimony of Jesus Christ.” That is, who accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (John 1: 12-13 / John 6: 40 / Acts 16:31). Those who recognize the divinity of Jesus Christ (1 John 2: 22 / 1 John 4: 3 / 2 John 1: 7). Those who seek to resemble Christ by imitating him (1 John 2: 6). Those who put their faith, their hope, their trust in Jesus Christ and walk according to the doctrines, the teachings of Christ. Those who make Jesus Christ, exclusively, the center of their life and worship (John 15: 1-5, 8).

2. Who “keep the commandments of God.” That is to say, they consider and especially put into practice the ten commandments. They show their love for God by their obedience to God (John 14: 15, 21 / John 15: 10 / 1 Corinthians 7: 19 / Ezekiel 20: 12, 20/1 John 2: 4/1 John 3: 24/1 John 5: 2-3 / 2 John 1: 6). It is not the one who listens or knows the ten commandments that are approved by God; it is rather the one who puts them into practice (James 1: 22).

Matthew 7:21

It is therefore fitting that we understand Matthew 7:21, of which he writes: “Those who say to me, Lord! Lord! Not all will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. ” Yet the will of God here is that we believe and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that we have an intimate love relationship with him through the observance of his ten commandments (see Exodus 20: 1 -17).

Therefore, we declare that God does not have a specific Christian denomination, but rather a dedicated and devoted people to do His will, to honor and glorify Him in spirit and truth. This person is found in the prophetic passages of Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14: 7, 12-13.

Follow Christ then, and not a man of God. So follow the Bible and not a Christian denomination. Seek to please God and not men. Fix your gaze on Christ exclusively and not on a leader. Seek salvation in Jesus Christ and not miracles, or material goods. Find out who exactly you worship in Christianity. Let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. Open your heart to the Lord and aspire to what He transforms you. Belong entirely to God and not to a specific denomination.

It is Jesus Christ who saves: so seek His will, his grace, and His connection. God bless you! May the wisdom, understanding, peace, the glory of God illuminate your life in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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