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Why Did God Create a Man?

Joze’s concern is: Why Did God Create a Man? Let’s talk about the poorly designed universe. Don’t theists say that God is perfect and the creator of the Universe? Well, then why did God create a man and universe in such a poor fashion? We weren’t in a hurry to land on Earth; we could have stayed in his creation lab for some more time if only to become refined Joze Wonders Why Did God Create a Manbeings. If God exists and it is him who has created us with diseases and malfunctions, do we have a reason to worship him? So this is the first question that will shake some believers. This question isn’t a new question at all. It has been disputed for years, and the investigation can go on for centuries.

Why Did God Create a Man? – Reply From Thomson Dablemond

Like Joze, many people do not have this question in mind, but also share Joze’s conception of it. I also certainly ask myself this question: Why did God create Man? But do I share my friend Joze’s conception? I cannot tell you. That’s why I invite you to read this blog with considerable attention. In Joze’s preoccupation, we will select the points affected to give them an argumentative answer. Here are the points concerned: – The universe was poorly designed – Man was not created perfect – God created man with diseases and dysfunctionsThomson – Do we have a reason to worship God? These are the concerns we will try to answer concerning the problem: Why did God create Man? We begin our attempt to answer by looking at the story of Creation. How was the universe out of the hands of God? Was the universe conceived (created) perfect as its Creator?

I – A Look at the Original Creation of God

A – / The Universe, a Perfect Architectural Work

With force, I affirm that the universe was very well-designed by the Creator. Indeed, the biblical account confirms this affirmation. Let’s try to go through the biblical account of Creation (Genesis chapter 1 / Genesis 2: 1-3). • A world created perfectly by God The world was created in 6 days. On several occasions, during the Creation of the world, God observed whether his work was perfect or not, and the Bible tells us that, indeed, it was the case: the world created perfectly by God. Let’s read the following passages: Genesis 1, verses 3-4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31. You will notice this phrase ” God saw that it was good ” but in verse 31 it was said, ” God lives that it was very good “on the sixth day of Creation. We are therefore able to say that the earth, when it came out of the hands of the Creator, World was radiantly beautiful.

• The Universe: a precise setting.

Have you ever heard of the 4 (four) fundamental forces of the universe? Listen to what Science says (Physics, Chemistry, and Cosmology) about it. These forces are exercised both on the immense scale of the cosmos and on the microscopic scale of atomic structures. They govern everything we see around us. If these four forces at work in the universe were not finely regulated, elements as vital to life as carbon, oxygen, and iron, for example, would not exist. What are these four fundamental physical forces?

We have Gravitation:

a very weak force on the atomic scale. It affects large objects, such as planets, stars, galaxies.


This is the main attraction force between protons and neutrons. It allows the formation of molecules. Lightning is one of its manifestations.

The strong interaction:

It is the force that binds together the protons and the neutrons in the nucleus of the atoms.

The weak interaction:

It is the force that governs the disintegration of the radioactive elements and ensures the effectiveness of the thermonuclear activity of the Sun. Let’s mark a break. For example, about the electromagnetic force, ask the physicists. They will tell you that if it were much weaker, the electrons would not be held around the nucleus of the atom. ‘ Would it be embarrassing? ‘ – Some will ask. Yes, because then atoms could not combine to form molecules. Conversely, if the electromagnetic force were much stronger, the electrons would be captured by the nucleus of the atom, which would prohibit any chemical reaction between atoms, and all life. Thus, it is clear that life in general, and our existence in particular, depend on the precise setting of the electromagnetic force. […] Yet the one who created and regulated this force we are talking about is God, the Creator of the Universe. And that, for the good functioning of the universe. The fundamental physical forces we have mentioned here are not the only ones to have precise control. Let’s turn to Planet Earth, specifically its features.

• The ideal characteristics of the Earth

Our existence requires precision in other areas. Consider, for example, the dimensions of the Earth and its position relative to the rest of the solar system. In the book of Job, the Bible asks these questions that call us to humility: ” Where were you when I founded the earth? […] Who set the measures, if you know? ” (Job 38: 4, 5). Never have these questions been so relevant given the amazing facts that have been discovered about the earth, especially its size and position in the solar system. Astronomers have found no planet comparable to the Earth elsewhere in the universe. Indeed,the particular conditions that prevail on the earth because of its ideal size, the elements that are present and its almost circular orbit at a perfect distance from a star with long life, the sun, allowed the accumulation of water on its surface.” (Integrated Principles of Zoology, 7th Edition). Without water, life could not have appeared on Earth. Have you heard what Science still says? Is she not saying that God has beautifully designed the universe, especially the earth, for the well-being of man.

• The Universe was created with Order and Law.

The Mathematician Roger Penrose studying the state of disorder (or entropy) of the observable universe: what about his discoveries? A logical interpretation of his findings leads to the conclusion that the universe was in an orderly state at its beginning and that it remained extremely organized. In reality, the whole universe is subject to laws. One day, the following questions were asked of Job, a man of Antiquity: ” Do you know which laws Heaven must obey? Is it up to you to regulate their action on the earth? ” (see Job 38:33). This question of God to Job implies that the Creator informs humanity that all Creation was made with Order and governed by Laws. This can be seen just by reading the Bible story about Creation. PARTIAL CONCLUSION So far the Bible and Science agree that the Universe was well-designed. At Creation, ” everything was perfect ” and therefore perfect, same the man. Until then, do you still think that the universe was poorly designed?  Unless you are a skeptic! I dare to believe that no! […] If today we find that the universe is in a bad state; where everything seems to deteriorate; where everything tends more and more to chaos. There are an origin and an explanation. Indeed, the entire universe is governed by physical and spiritual laws. And the man who sinned from the Garden of Eden, therefore, broke the law. And it is obvious that when we break the law, there are side effects. Since man bears the sinful nature in him, he does not cease to violate even the laws of nature and life in general. The more we misuse an element of life, it is a law that we violate. And that can only contribute to the loss of the universe and humanity. But, what about the conception of man?

B – Man Was Created Perfect

Let’s go back to the story of Creation, according to the Bible. As soon as the Earth was covered with vegetation and peopled with innumerable animals, the man, a masterpiece for which this enchanting stay had just been prepared, was called to existence. He received the dominion of all that embraced his looks. ” Then God said, Let us make man in our image and likeness, and let him reign … over the whole earth. So God created man in his image. He created man and woman. “Genesis 1: 26-27. Although drawn from the dust of the earth, Adam was, however, the “son of God ” (Luke 3:38). Leaving the hands of his Creator, Adam was perfect, without sin, without blemish. We justify this assertion, given the phrase ” God saw that it is very good ” on the sixth day of Creation after creating man (see Genesis 1:31).

All that God had done was beauty and perfection, and nothing seemed to be wanting in the happiness of the first couple.

In his creation, God left the imprint of his wisdom, his magnificence, his perfection, his greatness, just a little [since he is immeasurable and infinite]. It is through his creative work that God knows how to reveal to humanity. It is logical, reasonable, consistent, normal that we find that man and the universe were conceived, created perfectly – in harmony with the character of God. There can only be something good, perfect, ideal of such a God, the Creator of the Universe and Man. In her book Principles of Christian Faith, Ellen G. White spoke about the nature of man at Creation, and says, “His nature was in harmony with the will of the Creator; his intelligence could rise to the divine things, his affections were pure; his appetites and his passions, under the ascendancy of reason. He was holy, happy to bear the image of God, and perfectly submissive to his will. Leaving the hands of his Creator, Adam was tall and perfectly harmonious. His vermilion face shone with health, life, and joy. His stature was much better than the men of the present generation.” However, the state of the world and the present life and of the man as well, have caused some people to question in addition to the character of God, but even more the perfection of his creative work. It is in this context that in Joze’s concern, God seems to be seen as responsible for the present state of man and the entire universe.Why Did God Create a Man? However, I do not share this view again. That being the case, I invite you to explore the causes of dysfunctions and diseases.

II – The Current State of the World: Who Is Responsible?

The situation in our world today is very alarming. 6000 years after Adam and Eve, we live in a world where suffering reigns. The disease is ravaging. The world is going from bad to worse. And all of this certainly drives a lot of people to see God as a sadistic being. In the light of things, is God responsible for the current state of the world? Some people think so. Others say it. But it is not so. Indeed, although created innocent and holy, our first parents did not escape the possibility of doing evil. Endowed with free will, able to appreciate the wisdom and benevolence of God, as well as the justice of his demands, the man remained perfectly free to obey or disobey. He enjoyed the society of God and the holy angels, but he could not be in a state of eternal security until his fidelity had been put to the test. Thus, from the beginning, a restriction was imposed, which put a bridle on selfishness, that fatal passion that had caused the loss of Satan.


The tree of knowledge placed in the middle of the garden, near the tree of life, was to be used to test obedience and the gratitude of our first parents. Admitted to eating the fruit of all the other trees freely, they could not, on pain of port, taste this one. If they triumphed over the ordeal, they would finally be subtracted from the power of the enemy and would remain in perpetuity in favor of God. The book of Genesis tells us the content of the test in these terms: “The Lord God took the man, and placed him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, and you shall eat all the trees of the garden; but you will not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because the day you eat it, you will die.

(Genesis 2: 15-17). But why a loyalty test? What significance did this test have?

There is no government without law. One of the essential questions of the existence of man was, as a subject, obedience to the laws of God. Adam could have been created incapable of transgressing them. The Creator could have prevented his hand from touching the forbidden fruit. Deprived of the faculty of choice, man would not have been a free being, but a mere automaton. His obedience would have been forced and not voluntary. Adam could not have formed a character. Besides, this system would have been contrary to the ways of God concerning these creatures, and this mode of existence, unworthy of an intelligent being, would have fortified Satan’s accusation of arbitrariness against the divine government. God had made the right man, endowed with noble faculties, and without the inclination to evil. He had rewarded him with a high intelligence: all committed him to remain faithful to his Creator. Perfect and perpetual obedience was the condition of eternal bliss. At this price, he could have free access to the tree of life. In the mind of the Creator, if Adam and Eve remained faithful to the divine law, their abilities to learn, to enjoy, and to love should not cease to grow. New treasures of knowledge, new sources of happiness, ever clearer perceptions of the indestructible, and the immeasurable love of God, must have been their sweet sharing. But the continuation of the fidelity test informs us that the man has fallen. Our parents succumbed to temptation. Since then, man has sinned against God. Like Satan, man had rebelled against God. What were the consequences of our disobedience?


We all know it from the consequences of our disobedience. Indeed, true justice is when every fault is punished according to the provisions of the Law. God being righteous, his laws being just and equitable, is it not logical that man should bear the weight of his rebellion? Read Genesis 3: 17-19 to read the consequences. The earth was cursed because of the sin committed by Adam and Eve who had eaten from the tree of knowledge, and it is thus that man will find it very difficult to draw food for his whole life. God had lavished good and veiled evil. From now on, they would continue to eat, that is to say, to rub the evil all the days of their life. From then on, the human race would be harassed by the temptations of Satan. To the peaceful occupations that had been assigned to him, were the following worries and daily toil, disappointments, sorrows, suffering, and finally death. The man and the woman were made with the dust of the earth, and they would return to the dust. So far, we are trying to ask ourselves this crucial question: Who is responsible for the chaos of creation and humanity: God or man himself? Otherwise, says, is it the clumsiness of God in his creative work? Or is it the disobedience of man to God in the Garden of Eden?


We approach a critical angle of our thinking. Many people dare to blame God for being responsible, while some find in God that God created the imperfect man. And that it is the fruit of our original imperfection that has led us into this miserable condition. Others dare to say that it was God who created the evil and put it on our way. Such accusations undermine the image of God. Indeed, man since his sin in the Garden of Eden has always, on the one hand, fleeing the responsibilities of his actions; and on the other hand, put them on someone else. And as part of the sin of Adam and Eve, he implicitly rejected the fault of God. Read Genesis 3: 7-13. And that’s what their descendants are still trying to do. This is one of the collateral effects of our sinful condition. In addition to fleeing the face of God, we refuse to assume our responsibility for sin.


Let’s go from this illustration. Every school year, exams are held. If a student fails: Is it the fault of the person who submitted the exams or is it the fault of the test candidate?God created man with perfect nature If you understand this illustration, you will understand that everyone is responsible for his mistakes, his mistakes, his conduct. In the context of the present state of humanity, men are themselves responsible, starting with our ancestors. God has given us free will. Everyone holds the wheel of his life. There is no point in accusing God of the fall of man and the ruin of creation.

Conclusion on Why Did God Create a Man

Why did God create a Man? It is so that the man can be his answer. This is why God created man in his image and likeness. (Genesis 1:27). Why did God create a Man? It is so that man, as the crowning of the creative work: man can dominate on the other terrestrial creatures. (Genesis 1:26). Why did God create a Man? Created with a body having no inheritance, the soul of man should bear the imprint of the deity (Luke 3: 38). Why did God create a Man? So that man can live happily, be fulfilled. (Genesis 1: 28 / 3 John 2). Why did God create a Man? It is so that man can live as eternally as God, in case of obedience to the test. That’s why, despite our rebellion in the Garden of Eden, God designed the plan of salvation to redeem us. Thus, God wants to fulfill in man what he wanted and thought for man. (John 3: 16). Why did God create a Man? It is for the name of God to be glorified. The man was to be the glory of God (1 Corinthians 11: 7). We must be grateful to God for the fact that He created us; he gave us life; and that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to redeem our souls. Do you want to know why we have to worship God? Read this passage: “You are worthy, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for you have created all things, and it is by your will that they exist and have been created.” Revelation 4:11. I have always said: Whether we recognize it or not, whether we admit it or not: God is God, God is God. God does not need us to believe in his existence or not to justify his existence.

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