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What Are the Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack

What are the symptoms of an anxiety attack? Millions of people are anxious. A multitude of people lives in fear, anxiety, worry, and insecurity. More and more, anxiety seems to be gaining to men. Statistics show that most anxiety disorders affect women since there are about 1.5 to 2 women with men.

They mainly concern young adults since the 25 to 44 age group is the most concerned, that said, we can find anxiety disorders at all ages of life including the young child.

However, there is no age or sex that is spared. Generally, everyone has the risk of being anxious. Everyone can experience the symptoms of an anxiety attack. Yet we find that some people are anxious and others are not. It should be noted that anxiety manifests itself in various ways and develops according to certain psychic, socio-occupational, socio-economic, mental, and even our beliefs.

The anxious person suffers from overwhelming fear and anxiety, greatly altering the normalcy of the individual’s life. The most common concerns are generally good interpersonal relationships, work, finances, health, and the future. Often this person experiences generalized anxiety where no reason exists. Anxiety is a mental health problem. In large urban centers, one in every three people suffers from anxiety, but unfortunately, the current conditions in which people live promote these problems and bring a lot of suffering to the afflicted and families.

What are the symptoms of an anxiety attack?

What Are the Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack

The most challenging is that while some people suffering from anxiety ignore what it is anxiety; other anxious people do not know the origin of this disorder. The case of anxiety becomes more and more urgent and we need to talk about it. It is therefore right that has decided to put itself at the service of humanity by dedicating its pen to this subject that touches more than one, through the pen of the author Thomson Dablemond.

Mainly, we will address in this article the following points: types of anxiety – symptoms of an anxiety attack – and the root causes of anxiety.

But above all, what is anxiety? How can we define anxiety? Anxiety can be defined in different ways. It is difficult to describe in one definition all the mechanisms related to anxiety.

According to the dictionary, anxiety is a state of mental disorder caused by fear of danger.

In medicine, anxiety can be viewed as a mental disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are sufficiently pronounced to disrupt the person’s daily activities.

According to Wikipedia, anxiety is a psychological and physiological state characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components. In the absence or presence of psychological stress, anxiety can create feelings of fear, worry, and fear. Anxiety is considered a ” normal ” reaction in a stressful situation. When anxiety becomes excessive, it can be classified under the name of ” anxiety disorder “.

To keep it simple and clear, we chose to give this known definition of anxiety: “Anxiety is an emotion caused by an observed or experienced threat, which most often leads to avoidance or avoidance of it.”

Anxiety is, therefore, a reaction that is presented in a situation that makes us anxious. Some even say that anxiety is the future to the extreme. And you, how do you define anxiety, given all the above?

As much anxiety can be defined in various ways, as many types and symptoms of an anxiety attack as various.

Types and Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack

Here we will discuss two types of anxiety with their respective symptoms.

General Anxiety Disorder: This type of anxiety can present three or more of the symptoms of an anxiety attack listed below, almost every day in the last six months:

– The feeling of discomfort or nervousness

– Tired

– Difficulty concentrating

– Irritability

– Muscle tension

– Sleeping troubles.

Anxiety with the panic attack: Four or more of the anxiety attack listed below may be present in this type of anxiety. They can grow abruptly and reach a climax within ten minutes:

– Heart palpitations or fast heart rate

– Sweat

– Shortness of breath

– Tremor or muscle twitches

– Chills or hot flashes

– Feeling choked

– Feeling of panic

– Chest pain or discomfort

– Nausea or abdominal discomfort

– Dizziness

– Dry mouth

– Fear of losing control or going crazy

– Fear of dying

– Tingling

To better understand the types of symptoms of an anxiety attack we have listed, the author Thomson Dablemond invites you to follow the description given by Wikipedia on this subject. Certainly, it will be of use to you:

The physical effects of anxiety can include heart palpitations, muscle weakness, and tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, dyspnea, abdominal pain or a headache. The body is preparing to face fear: blood pressure and heart rate increase, sweat, blood flow to the muscles increase, and the functions of the immune and digestive systems decrease (fight-flight response).

External signs of anxiety may include pale skin, sweating, tremors, and pupil dilation. An individual experiencing anxiety may also experience avoidance or panic. Although panic fears do not affect all individuals suffering from anxiety, there are common anxiety attacks. Panic fears usually occur without warning, and although this fear is often irrational, the perception of danger is real. A person affected by panic fear will often feel as if they are going to die or be exposed to danger.

Anxiety does not only include physical effects but also emotional effects. These include ” feelings of apprehension or threat, impaired concentration, tension and nervousness, anticipation at worst, irritability, agitation, observing (and waiting for) signs (and actions) of danger. , and a feeling of uneasiness “as well as” nightmares / bad dreams, obsessions of feelings, feelings of already-seen, and a feeling and perception that everything is scary. The cognitive effects of anxiety can include thoughts of suspected dangers, such as the fear of dying.

Behavior can be affected in the form of withdrawal from situations where the unpleasant effects of anxiety have been felt in the past. It can also affect sleep and other physical effects (such as nail-gnawing and other motor effects).

Now that you have an idea about the types of anxiety, it would be reasonable for us to address the root causes of anxiety. Yes, as a saying goes, “there is no smoke without fire”. What are the root causes of anxiety?

Deep Causes of Anxiety

Experience teaches us that personal insecurity and feeling of failure are the root causes of anxiety. Indeed, we want to succeed in everything we do to not feel insecure and unsuccessful. It is also common to find a feeling of guilt as if the individual is responsible for these manifestations. This shows the importance of forgiveness towards ourselves.

Personal insecurity and feelings of failure related to low self-esteem. For the person who suffers from guilt, it is important to look at the past and seek forgiveness. By worrying mostly about many things, especially ephemeral things, you risk falling into anxiety disorders.

If we want to be more explicit in talking about the root causes of anxiety, we must take into account Anxiety disorders are not caused by a single factor, but by a number of risk factors that can contribute to their development.

 Your instinct: Many fears have ensured our survival and have become instincts that are now part of our genetic makeup. Today, we can uncover the roots of this survival instinct in many forms of anxiety disorders, such as agoraphobia, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. You will notice that many people are afraid of snakes, even if they have never been bitten, and that very few people are afraid of stoves when they have burned several times.


 Temperament: We are all different and some of us are just more anxious than others. We are built like this. The personality trait common to people with anxiety disorders is the way they think in absolute terms. They do not let go easily. Whatever we do, we can never be totally safe. There is usually a residual danger. This fact is incompatible with people who think in absolute terms and creates anxiety disorders. Also, individuals with low self-esteem and poor coping skills are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder.


 Environment: Our attitude is greatly influenced by our family, our school environment, our friends, and our society. We would be very different if we had been educated in other countries by different parents. Difficult situations – such as poverty, being separated from family early, family conflict, overly critical parents, and lack of an adequate support network – can lead to chronic anxiety.

 Chemistry of the brain: a chemical imbalance of communication molecules of stress hormones (cortisol) in the brain can contribute to the development of an anxiety disorder.


 Genetics: genetic factors may play a role in the development of anxiety disorders. One of these risk factors could be a biological vulnerability to stress.


 Trauma: Anxiety disorders can develop as a result of a traumatic event or abuse during childhood.


Anxiety is a biological mechanism whose function is to protect us from dangerous situations. A little anxiety is quite natural. In normal doses, it protects us. In excessive doses, she traps us.

anxiety attack

The two criteria used to distinguish between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders are personal suffering and the difficulty of functioning. If your anxiety is so strong that it constantly worries you, or affects your ability to function normally, at work, in society, or in other areas, then your anxiety is considered a disorder. The intensity and function of the subject inform the practitioner to determine if it is a natural or pathological reaction.

On this link, you can read more about How to Overcome Anxiety and How to Cure Anxiety Disorder?

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