Yes, you read that right. Despite the ever-greater sexualization of our society and culture, there is chronically little sex of Eden. Here’s why.
Ever since the Greek philosopher Plato, our world has been ruled by the idea of dualism between soul and body. The soul was considered immortal, and good, and the body mortal and evil. As a consequence of such an attitude, many who want to be spiritual reject sexual pleasure, and those among them who still want to enjoy sex are driven to feel like they are doing something dirty. On the other hand, those who do not care about spirituality will enjoy sex precisely because it is dirty; kinky sex is a measure of the excitement of sex. However, the filth of sex ideas was taken from Greek dualism (later adopted by the medieval church and the father of modern philosophy, RenĂ© Descartes). On the other hand, original biblical Christianity does not equate sex with something dirty. First, according to the Bible, man is not a divided being with an immortal soul that continues to live after the body’s death. In Genesis 2.7, we read:
“Yahweh God made man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Thus man becomes a living soul. “
The soul did not enter the body. The “living soul” was created when the breath of life revived the human body. So, living soul (man) = body + breath of life. Second, after God shaped and revived the carnal man – “male and female” (Gen 1:27) – he described this sensual creature as “very good” (1:31). God designed man for eternal bodily life (and that is why the biblical Christian’s hope is in the resurrection of the body, not the life of the disembodied soul). When Christians view the body as something negative, they advocate the ideas of Greek philosophy, not the Bible. As the famous theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr said:
“The Bible knows nothing about the good mind and the evil body.”
Sex of Eden Was Created in Sinless Eden
We are not told how Adam and Eve spent their first moments together, but it must have been exciting since the first poetry that appears in the Bible is Adam’s poetic statement when he sees Eve, after which the narrator concludes: “and the two will be one body. (Gen. 2:24).
For a more detailed description of the ideal sex, as God envisioned it for man, we need to look at the Song biblical book of Songs. Here are the love, romantic, and, yes, erotic songs of King Solomon and his beloved. Some Christians believe that sex is only justified if children are made. But there is not a word about reproduction in the Song of Songs. It is about pure sexual pleasure.
Let’s sweeten up with just a few lines (and you are free to read the whole Song):
This Alone Is Enough to Convey the Beauty of Sex of Eden.
By the way, Eden means “grace.” It is holistic sex – a complete union with a lover, becoming one body on a physical and mental level and, more than that – on a temporal level. Any sex that is not lifelong is partial and interrupted because sex between two people can only flourish and deepen when it is permanent – each of their sex is getting better and better. Husband and wife are increasingly merging into one body. That is why the lovers in the Song say:
“Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires” (8: 4)
“For thee have I kept [my fruit], O my beloved!” (7:14)
and “I belong to my beloved, my beloved belongs to me” (6: 3)
Suppose you’ve thought sex was dirty so far and practiced it as such (either with someone or alone). In that case, you know from your own experience that after a short-lived hormonal rollercoaster, this ultimately leaves you empty, miserable, and alone. It’s not too late to turn away from that. God designed you for something much sweeter. Want permanently exciting, fulfilling Eden sex? Apply the love tips from Song of Songs, and you will have it.