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How to Prevent and How to Overcome Stress?

How to prevent and how to overcome stress? Is this possible at all? Life is beautiful, but it is also stressful! Indeed, living is necessarily meeting (sometimes, often, even – at least at certain times – all the time!): Difficulties, Adversities, Conflicts, Pressures, Frustrations, etc. We usually get along rather well but leave us too, sometimes, tired or weakened.

” of medicine: whatever our weaknesses, physical or psychological, they will be amplified by stress.

But stress is also an obstacle to our happiness. But it is also important to think about enjoying life and enjoying life! The most recent work on emotional equilibrium shows that the relationship between negative (stress-related) emotions and positive (welfare-related) emotions is best established around the ratio of 3 to 1: three positive emotions for one person’s negative emotion.

It is not abnormal to feel stressed, on two conditions: first, if it does not represent more than 25% of our moods; then if we cope effectively if we know how to handle our stress. Finally, learning to cope better with stress will help us stay healthier, but also turn to positive emotions and savor the good moments of our lives. It’s worth it, right?

We already know that our reactions to stressors differ according to the individual. Many men know what stress is. A multitude of people can identify the symptoms of stress. But they face difficulties when it comes to how to prevent and how to overcome stress? It is, of course, this help that tries to bring you the drafting of

But long before treating the topic of How to prevent and how to overcome stress, we invite you to take this test to find out if your stress is hurting you or not.

Test Yourself

To find out if your stress is hurting you, answer yes or no to the following questions:

1- Do you enjoy nature in your spare time?

2- Do you use alcoholic beverages?

3- Do you eat fruits and vegetables in abundance?

4- Do you smoke?

5- Do you train regularly?

6- Do you usually use tranquilizers?

7- Do you live in a clean and well-organized house?

8- Do you live in a noisy neighborhood?

9- Does your house have a warm atmosphere?

10- Are you still surrounded by many people?

11- Do you have a good appetite?

12- Do you forget things easily?

13- Does your digestive system work well?

14- Do you feel tired for no apparent reason?

15- Do you sleep well?

16- Are you irritating easily?

17- Do you have a good relationship with your superiors?

18- Do you use your car as a means of work?

19- Do you have a stable job?

20- Do you bring work from your office to the house?

21- Do you have good relations with your colleagues and friends?

22- Do you become very impatient when you have to wait for someone?

23- Do you know how to listen patiently?

24- Do you speak a lot?

25- Are you satisfied with your sex life?

26- Do you try to do things better than others?

27- Are you satisfied with the way you are?

28- Are you a perfectionist?

29- Do you have a sense of humor?

30- Are you angry when you have to queue?

Check the answers to the odd-numbered questions and give yourself 1 point for each NO.

Check the answers to the even-numbered questions and give yourself 1 point for each YES.

* Total =

* Results:

From 0 to 7 points: you are well protected against stress. You may need to make some changes to get better motivation in your life.

From 8 to 13 points: You have an average level of stress. Things can evolve one way or the other. It is important to take preventive measures against stress now.

From 14 to Beyond: This is a warning of high stress in your life and a call to do a review of your lifestyle, the environment in which you live, your mental attitude, and your relationships, and to make plans to improve everything.

Now that you have passed this test, the following lines will help you first know how to prevent stress – and secondly how to overcome stress.

How to Prevent Stress?

Wise use of time: This prevents stress and we need to know how to handle it. Time is one of the strengths that everyone receives in equal amounts, and how we feel depends on how we spend it. How can a person use time in a balanced way? Everyone has to know how to manage stress to prevent stress.

Be realistic:  Maybe you know the saying, ” That too kisses, badly hugged “. Or its equivalent, ” You must not have eyes bigger than your stomach. ” He advises against attempting to do too many things at once. We have a fundamental need to set achievable goals in a timely manner. Indeed, there are many people who want to do several things at once or try unrealistic things: they end up falling into a state of stress.

Set priorities: Knowing your priorities makes it easier to focus on the most important tasks. It has a lot to do with your values and your beliefs. What is the position that money occupies in your life? How do you value your family relationships? Do you like to help other people properly? Do you demonstrate religious values in your life? According to your answers, you will give an appropriate time for every aspect of your life. It is therefore to have priorities in your life but above all noble priorities.

Diversify your tasks: Focusing more time and energy on an activity for too long may annoy you or obsess you. Work is important for income and personal satisfaction. A couple or a relationship is also an ingredient of good balance. Leisure offers a lot of satisfaction and should be a complement to regular work; therefore, it is good to alternate physical work with less active leisure or sedentary work with active leisure.

Be organized: Prepare a list of things you need to do during the day and during the week. Concentrate on these things and do not be distracted by other things that distract your attention from your goals. If you feel extreme pressure, reduce some activities. If you think the tasks are too few, try adding something more. In fact, idleness, laziness, disorder, and excess of work are factors that develop stress in the individual.

Lead a simple life: Leisure that takes up a lot of time, such as expensive holidays and extravagant sports, can become stressors in and of themselves. These examples include not only the waste of large sums of money but also the use of time and energy to implement them. ” Things are always complicated for complicated people. Be simple and modest. ” (Thomson Dablemond).

Those who lead a life beyond their means are constantly stressed. The simplicity of life allows us to avoid the stress that harms us.

A healthy lifestyle adapted. If the human factor, the schedule, the professional pressure are the first causes of the stress, there are behaviors of which you alone are responsible and which favor an already existing stress. Thus, avoid the consumption of excitants: caffeinated beverages, tobacco … Also, watch your diet to face more calmly the pressure.

Sport is also one of the best anti-stress remedies. The whole thing is not to hurt oneself and be nauseated, but to keep on the length, even at a moderate dose. Indeed, regular physical activity has a soothing effect on mood thanks to endorphins, the hormones of happiness that we release.

Preserve your sleep like a treasure. Get as much as possible at fixed times and listen to your biological rhythm. When we keep a good sleep habit, the brain can be re-awoken, allowing the brain to cope with bad stress.

Maybe you are currently under stress, so how to overcome stress?

How to Overcome Stress?

Consider the following indications:

Plan of Thought

The most effective therapy for stress is called cognitive psychotherapy, which involves teaching a person how to control their thoughts rather than letting thoughts dominate them. How is it possible? Practice these exercises several times:How to Overcome Stres

* Avoid negative thoughts.

* Choose positive or neutral thoughts. For example, think of pleasant experiences from the past; to the people you admire; to the pleasure of friends; or episodes of a book or a special film. Consider these things as you do your daily chores or substitute them for thoughts that bring worries.

* Have constructive concerns as motivation. To solve the problems that cause stress, it is necessary to think of alternatives, other possibilities, and ways to overcome the difficulty, instead of plunging oneself into destructive, repetitive, and obsessive worry.

* Give up irrational beliefs. People sometimes have negative ideas and beliefs about themselves and the environment in which they live. These negative thought patterns increase stress. For example, they may think, ” I am good for nothing.’’; ” Nobody likes my business.” ; ” Happiness comes by chance, and my time has not come yet.’’ ; or ” my manager hates me and wants me to make my life difficult ”.

These ideas must be rejected. And if someone is not able to do it alone, he or she should seek the help of a psychotherapist to discuss this issue and to break free from these irrational beliefs.

Physical Exercise Plan

Physical exercise is the best medicine for stress. If your health permits, exercise vigorously (walking, swimming, team sports), or walk briskly every day.

Relaxation is another good solution: spend half an hour every day to rest (do not sleep); contract your muscles one by one, alternating with moments of complete relaxation after each contraction of the muscle.

Occasional deep breathing is also very helpful in controlling stress: take a deep breath, widen the abdomen (not the lungs) and hold the air for a few seconds before exhaling.

Spiritual Plan

Mental and emotional peace is incompatible with stress. You can have a calm conscience by faith and prayer. The Lord Jesus, after an exhausting day of sermons, walking and the pressure of the crowd, told His disciples, ” Come away to a desolate place, and rest a little ” (Mark 6: 31). His method included getting up early in the morning, going to a peaceful place to pray when it was still dark (Mark 1: 35).

Spend time studying the Bible for at least fifteen minutes and end with a prayer to God. Thank Him for His message and ask Him for the strength to deal with the difficulties caused by stress. It is also useful to read the experience of a biblical character and look for inspiration in his story. Search the Bible for the incredible stories of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, Jonathan, David, Samson, Jonah, Esther, Elijah, Peter, Paul, and above all, the life of Jesus and His teachings. Learn the wonderful lessons of these people. You will find that reading and meditating on these topics dispels stress.

Conclusion on How to Prevent and How to Overcome Stress

How to prevent and how to overcome stress? Stress treatment must be comprehensive and holistic; as is the prevention of stress. It must encompass all social aspects of life (work, family, friends, etc.). During a stress crisis, choose the amount of work that can reasonably be done and be not concerned about anything else. Pay attention to relationships, forget yourself, seek to be nice, and offer your friendship to others. Help someone, be kind, and make a contribution to humanity. The reaction of others will help you. Overcoming stress involves all dimensions of existence: physical, mental, and spiritual.

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