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How Do We Find the Christian Purpose of Life

Why are we born? Where did we come from? What is the Christian purpose of life? Were we put here by accident? Just because? Or was there a purpose behind us being put onto this earth?

I’m here to show you today that we all have a design purpose in life from the Christian point of view. And it may surprise you what that purpose indeed is. Some people will say happiness is the key to life. But what is happiness to you? Some people spend all of their days on earth seeking to find so-called happiness. Whether it’s through obtaining money, personal achievements spending time with their friends, or starting a family. But being happy in life is not the reason that you were formed. It’s not the meaning of life. It’s not your purpose. At least not the Christian purpose of life. There are tons of people today who claim to be happy or spend their days trying to reach a place of happiness. They will never realize that their Heavenly Father has had a unique purpose for their lives. Instead, they’ve traded in a full and victorious life in exchange for a life of so-called artificial happiness. Being a good parent to your children is not a purpose. Growing in your career and achieving everything you are setting out to accomplish in life is not a purpose. Being the best husband or wife to your significant other and providing for your family is not why God made you. He has a purpose for you being here.The Christian Purpose of Life

So the Question Is How Do We Find the Christian Purpose of Life

First off, we need to recognize that we were created with one. And secondly, we need to understand that we came from our Heavenly Father. So attempting to find it on our own only leads to failure. Every single time in life, we are able to choose our husband or wife, our careers, our friends, and our family all on our own. But when it comes to the Christian purpose of life, there is but one unique purpose for us all. How do we as humans get this revelation and communicate with God to find his purpose for our lives?

The answer is simple. As we read in 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 5, it says: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind.” Jesus is the key to finding your purpose in life. Jesus died on the cross, not just so. You and I can obtain eternal salvation also. So we can have the ability to live the life that our Heavenly Father had planned for us all along.

I Am the Way and the Truth

In the book of John chapter 14 verse 6, Jesus says: ” I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” So to put it plainly. Without accepting Jesus Christ, none of us can have access to our Heavenly Father to reveal our real purpose in life. If a person denies Jesus Christ, they’re working under their own ideas and plans to achieve happiness in life which will always lead to emptiness and a feeling of something is missing. And that something is the Spirit of God working in their lives.

As we read in the book of John chapter 15 verse 5, Jesus said: “I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing.” Without first coming to a place of accepting Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross, we will never be able to reach a place of establishing our God-given purpose in life.

All Things Work Together for Good

In the book of Romans chapter 8 verse, 28, Paul says: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. To them that are called according to his purpose.” For years, I spent my life thinking that my apparent purpose in life was to be in computer science because I was good at computer science. But again, there is a difference between trying to find your own happiness and finding your purpose. Happiness will usually entail things that are pleasing to your own wishes and the things of your flesh. At the same time, our purpose will always entail glorifying our Heavenly Father and leading the lost to His Son Jesus Christ.

Do All to the Glory of God

As we see in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 31, Paul says: “Whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do all to the glory of God.” Do all to the glory of God. That’s it. You weren’t created to glorify yourself or to seek your own happiness. God created you to please him. To glorify our Heavenly Father and to fellowship with him throughout your entire walk. He wants you to fully trust in him and give your life to him and all that you do. This is the fundament of the Christian purpose of life.

All Things Were Created by Him and for Him

As we read in Colossians chapter 1 verse 6, it says: “For by him were all things created that are in heaven that are in earth visible and invisible. Whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by him and for him.”

So we see here we were created for him. Each of us was made special in our own way, created uniquely by our Heavenly Father, and designed to bring about his will in our lives to glorify the creator of all things.

As we read in the Book of Psalms chapter 139, verses 13 through 16, David writes: “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. 14I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hidden from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. 17How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!”

We Are His Children

Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. We are his children, and each one of us is special to him. And he just wants us all to see that this world that we live in has nothing for us. The devil wants us to seek material things. Money cars and dedicate our lives to attempting to live, seeking after the things of this fallen world all along. Our heavenly Father is waiting for us to come to him through accepting his son Jesus Christ. We have access to boldly walk into the throne room of Yahuwah Heavenly Father and ask Him to lead us in our lives.

God Shall Supply All Your Need

As we read in the book of Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 Paul says: But by God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ“.
So, by accepting Christ into your life and seeking to please your heavenly father and all that you do you will be blessed and honestly find out what the meaning of happiness is and what is the Christian purpose of life.

See, we’re taught as kids to go out and seek in life to leave a mark in the world to make a name for ourselves and establish a legacy for when we are gone. All we were supposed to do was find the one name that already did everything for this world and becomes part of his legacy. And that name is Jesus Christ.

More about the Christian purpose of life you can read in the book:

“Power Of Purpose – Christian Spiritual Journal.”

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