I will never stop repeating: Getting ahead in life requires decision and commitment. It’s easier to say that we want to see our life progress. And if that was done with the snap of a finger, I believe everyone would have had a lifetime of progress. From any point of view, “moving forward in life” is a choice that we make. This choice will never come from outside and it is always the responsibility of those who aspire to move forward in life. And even when you make the decision, you need to empower yourself to put that decision into practice. Thus, making and assuming the decision to move forward in life involves the following points:
Take Stock of Your Life and Moving Forward in Life

It is utopian to want to change your life, to move forward in life, if you do not take stock of your life. Indeed, one of the keys to moving from one life course to a better one is to make a successful life check-up. By taking stock of your life you will be able to know where to improve and what to do to move forward in life. This assessment obviously takes into account almost all areas of your life. Plus, you give yourself time to take stock of your life; you are giving yourself the chance to move forward in life. Because the majority of what it takes to be successful in life is found in the individual himself. And it is only by seriously taking stock of his life that an individual is able to go to his self-discovery, by consulting himself. As a result, he will realize that deep down lie both his basic problems and obviously their solutions.
In my book, Mastering and Achieving Your Goals, I present the right and crucial questions to ask yourself as part of the assessment of your personal, emotional, professional, and spiritual life, not only with a view to a fulfilling life but also for a better fixing and orientation of your life goals.
For now, I would like you to remember this: The regular assessment of your life consists of asking yourself, for example: Where are you with your vision and life plan – your quality of life – and your prospects? Etc. And this, no one will do it for you! It is an individual, personal task.
Moving Forward in Life Requires Goals and, If Necessary New Goals
Without life goals to achieve, your life can only be bland, tasteless, flavorful, meaningful, and alive. These are the goals that tell you whether or not you are making progress in life. The goals you set for yourself in your life are like barometers, thermometers, allowing you to assess your life and relate it to a living ideal. A life without a goal is like a boat without a rudder, a map without a compass (without pointing north), a journey without a destination…
And this is the scourge that tidies up and destroys lives: the lack of life goals. Without life goals, there is no life growth either. It’s relative. In truth, to move forward in life, you have to be aware of where you left off, where you are and where you are going. This is what setting a life goal all is about.
By the way, I wrote an excellent book titled: Mastering and Achieving Your Goals. A real manual that will guide you in setting, planning, and achieving your life goals. In addition, in my book Réussite et Devenir – Tome 1, (Success and Becoming – Volume 1) I presented an explained diagram reflecting what life is or the life project. And this is a very important tool that I encourage you to use in your quest to move forward in life.
Give Yourself New Priorities
Listen! Any decision to move forward in life must be accompanied by coherent and appropriate priorities. Having priorities in life and above all considering them by applying them allows us to move forward in life. Having life priorities means that we know exactly what we want out of life. And, knowing what you want out of your life comes down to being able to determine what’s important and priority to you. It is imperatively the duty of each individual to align their values, aspirations, and priorities in line with their vision and life plans.
Give Yourself a Fresh Start
When nothing is going, is going as it should, don’t hesitate to take a break and make a fresh start. It is a principle of life and time: that of assessment and reconstruction. In my book, When Life Reveals to Us, I discuss the 13 principles of life and time and the 7 universal existential laws. Among these principles, you will see that of balance sheet and reconstruction.
Starting over is not inevitable. Gaining momentum to jump better is not a weakness. On the contrary, it is a way to draw strength and identify favorable directions for moving forward in life.
Often, one of the reasons our life goes round in circles is because we refuse to give ourselves a fresh start. We think it would be a waste of time; yet, it is one of the ways to move forward in life. Because, obviously, the road to growth, progress, success, well-being, and fulfillment is long, perilous, and mysterious. As a human one can make mistakes, be wrong, or wander off and when you do, the only wise way out is to pause and give yourself a fresh start. So said, you can always do things differently. You can always change your life, take back your life, and rebuild the paths of your life. The majority of people who move forward in life are those who know how to start from scratch, do things differently, or even give themselves a fresh start when necessary.
Have the Rage to Succeed In Life
We will never stop saying it: Moving forward in life requires daring. If it were easy to do it, we wouldn’t be talking about daring. Success and growth favor the bold. And we must accompany our boldness with rage to succeed in life. It involves bringing all of these faculties together to improve your life. In my book, Réussite et Devenir – Tome 1, in a practical way, I address the theme of Audacity and Success, a very important theme to take into account in order to move forward in life.
Aspire to Personal Development
As you seek to know yourself, to exploit your potentials, to enhance your skills, to improve your condition of life, to take on new things: thus, you give yourself the chance to move forward in life. You absolutely must aspire to your personal growth. Your well-being, fulfillment, happiness should be a perpetual quest for you. This is one of the ways to get ahead in life.
In one of the chapters of this book, I will devote a chapter to the following pertinent question: How do you stop wasting your time and move on in life? Certainly, the answer to this question will help you move forward in your life.
To your personal growth,
Thomson Dablemond
Personal Development Coach
Author, Speaker, Mentalotherapist
Source: This text is taken from my e-book titled “It’s decided, I’m moving forward! », Page 13-18, published in 2020, new edition 2021.
Note: The e-book “It’s done, I move on!” of 8-chapter, in 58-page, is a personal growth booklet in which the author leads you to what is essential to you:” Getting ahead in life and being successful in life.” Are you interested in this book, please write to me at the following address, to obtain it for free: thomson.dablemond@gmail.com