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Lucid Dreaming Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Knowing your sleep schedule lets you adjust your sleep pattern to help you recall lucid dreams. Here are some lucid dreaming tips and tricks.

Read about lucid dreaming techniques for beginners here.

Some Lucid Dreaming Tips and Tricks for BeginnersLucid dreaming tips and tricks for beginners will help you in this exciting journey.

The Best Time

  • Studies strongly suggest that sleeping a few hours after waking up in the morning is the most common time to dream lucid dreams.
  • Lucid dreams are deeply associated with REM sleep. REM sleep is more plentiful just before the final awakening. This means that they most often appear just before waking up. (Sleep REM is a symptom of narcolepsy. If you have lucid dreams immediately after falling asleep, you may want to seek medical help from a sleep medicine specialist. However, some studies show that people can remember dreams after waking up during sleep. REM sleep).
  • Dreaming usually occurs in cycles of 60 minutes (Weiten Psych book 2004) during sleep. If you are dealing with dream recollection, it may be helpful to try to wake up in one of these cycles (interrupted dreams are often the ones we remember).

Am I Dreaming?

Ask, “Do I dream?” several times during the day and check the reality whenever you remember. If enough happens, you will automatically memorize it during your dreams and do it with exercise.


When you meditate, try to envision your dreamy and awake life as aspects of a diamond. Some choose to call this “diamond” God, others universe, and some even “your Spirit.” The point is to start realizing that life happens all at once. Only our “perception” arranges our games in a linear or “temporal” order. So, just like a diamond, every aspect, if viewed as an individual experience, still lasts simultaneously as the “Dream Body” experience. This method is also known to Remote Viewers. Remember that this exercise requires only a slight shift of consciousness.

Reality Checks

If you find something unusual, very frustrating, or pointless, do at least three reality checks; this habit will continue in your dreams. In a dream, it will tell you to sleep, which will allow you to become lucid. If you want to remember that you are checking reality in a dream, you need to get used to checking reality in real life. One important way to check for reality is to look for “dream signs” (items that often appear during your dreams, look for them in your dream diary) or things that would not otherwise exist in real life and then do reality checks. Once these actions become a habit, you will begin to perform them in a dream and be able to realize that this is dreaming. Frequent reality checks can stabilize dreams. This is also known as DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dreams ). Some tactics include:

  • Look at the digital clock to see if it stays constant;
  • Look at the body of the text, look at the page, and then look back to see if it has changed;
  • Turn the light switch;
  • Looking in the mirror (your image will usually look blurry or not appear at all in your sleep). However, your figure in the mirror can be terribly damaged and scare you into a nightmare or dream.
  • Squeezing a closed nose and trying to breathe;
  • Look at your hands and ask yourself, “Do I dream? ”(In a dream, you will usually see more or less than five fingers on your hand);
  • Jumping into the air, you can usually fly in dreams;
  • Teasing yourself; when you dream, your “flesh” may be more elastic than in real life; the usual reality check is to push a finger through the palm;
  • Try to lean against the wall. In dreams, you will usually drop through barriers.

With the book “Lucid Dreaming: A Concise Guide to Awakening in Your Dreams and in Your Life,” Stephen LaBerge invites you on a guided trip to learn to employ conscious dreaming in your life.


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