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How to Stop Watching Porn in Recommended Way

Is there any recommended way how to stop watching porn? Definitely exists. But let’s first look at what is pornography in its essence.

Pornography is the “complaisant – sexual representation – of subjects, obscene details, in an artistic, literary or cinematographic work”, this explicit representation of finalized sexual acts aimed at arousing sexual arousal.

The term now merges with its perception through the prism of pornographic films: either a representation of sexual acts intended to sexually excite the viewer.

Thus, the French actress X Tiffany Hopkins defines it as “above all an object of entertainment that has the purpose of masturbation”.Stop watching porn

An immense pornography consumer industry has emerged through the use of videotapes, DVDs, and the Internet.

Amateur pornography has also become very popular and is distributed free of charge via the Internet.

The pornographic industry today distinguishes several types and types of pornography:

– Feminist pornography;

– Chic porn (that of the Golden Age, 1970-1985);

– Gay pornography;

– Pornography gonzo;

– Hard pornography;

– Soft pornography;

– Reality pornography

– Lesbian pornography;

– Queer pornography;

– Transsexual pornography.

Millions of people have become slaves to pornographic movies, especially to the extent that they have developed pornographic habits. And many of them wonder how to stop watching porn. Are you in one of the following cases:

– You find it difficult to stop the following pornography,

– You’re lying about the number of pornographic movies you follow,

– Your relationships, your job or your studies are neglected at the expense of pornography,

– You prefer to follow a pornographic film than to have sex.

The Effects and Damage of PornographyPorn slavery

It is deplorable to see the effects and damage of pornography nowadays. There are several reasons to get rid of pornography. So the question of how to stop watching porn is really up to date.

1. The Sexual Life Is Weakened.

The consumer of pornography often experiences a decline in desire in front of a “real” person. In addition, as porn offers a race for performance and unmatched standards, the person compares and does not feel up to it.

2. It Contributes to the Trafficking of Human Beings.

Porn implements the same wheels as prostitution. It forces people to show themselves in a ruthless context. This is a form of slavery. The testimonials of former porn stars are eloquent.

3. It’s a Merciless Industry.

The drug is ubiquitous. Although some actors seem to choose this profession, there is a suicide rate in this environment that is well above average.

4. A Trade on Our Back.

According to some estimates, the turnover of porn would represent 97 billion dollars a year in the world. Even when a site is free, it generates revenue through web marketing strategies.

5. It Creates Dependencies.

Even if everyone is not equal, the danger is real. According to some studies, heavy pornography affects the same areas of the brain as so-called “classic” drugs.

6. He Breaks Families.

A study in the United States revealed in 2009 that in 56% of divorces, one of the incriminated persons is a pornography consumer. In many cases, the wife feels betrayed.

7. It Changes Our Eyes.

It changes our outlook on the woman, on the man, and also on the relationships, the sensuality, and the sexual intimacy. Even if the consumer knows that what he sees is fiction, no one really escapes the conditioning that porn provokes.

8. He Encourages Violence.

Not only is she present, physically or verbally in most porn movies, but she is also relativized, and most often implicitly valued.

How to Stop Watching Porn?

It should be said, there is no medical consensus that pornography is addictive, but it is difficult to deny that it has some negative effects when it comes to teaching. perceptions of the human body and sexual relations. Moreover, as any habit has the potential to create a strong appeal, the excessive use of pornography can seriously affect your relationships or other aspects of your life. Examine your life to identify these effects to find effective solutions.

However, no matter why you look at pornography, it shines on your health and well-being. It may be that you have taken lightly the effects and consequences of looking at pornography. And now, you are desperately looking to stop watching porn. The following lines will give you some tips on how to get there – as long as you put them into practice.

To answer your concern, it should be noted that you have two methods to get to stop watching porn, namely:

* Block access to pornographic content.

* And change your habits.

These two methods can be explained in the following points (source: wikiHow):

1. Assume Your Responsibilities.

Before you start cleaning your hard drive, approach your spouse, friends, or respected members of your community and tell them that you want to eradicate the pornography from your life. Finding someone who will assist you during great moments and others, less glorious, during this effort will make you succeed more easily.

It also helps you in the concrete task of installing anti-malware software that you do not know the password for yourself.

2. Destroy Your Collection of Pornographic Movies.

As long as these films are around, it will be easy to fall back into your habits. Delete the pornographic files that are on your computer or mobile device. Throw away pornographic magazines, records, and other pornographic articles.

3. Install Anti-Pornography Software on Your Computer and Mobile Devices.

There are several programs of this type, but in most cases, you will need a friend to create the secret password, so you will not be able to override the block. Below are some good options.

– Qustodio has a multitude of options and works on almost all computers and mobile devices, except those using the Linux operating system. There are premium versions and free ones.

– If you have a Windows computer, you can use Microsoft Family Safety for free.

– Norton Family Online is a free option for those who use Windows, Android, and iOS devices. Try additional features with a free 30-day trial of the premium version.

– Covenant Eyes, a Christian company, offers a service of 10 euros per month for computers and mobile devices and can even prevent the account holder from bypassing the security system.

4. Disable Your Internet Connection as Much as Possible.

If you are likely to spend more time trying to bypass the site-blocking software, stop attempts by turning off Wifi or unplugging your Ethernet cable from your computer or mobile device whenever you do not use it. internet connection for other things.

If no one is using the connection, disconnect or shut down your modem and router. The further you get away from the internet connection, the less you will give in during a moment of weakness.

5. Keep Busy with Other Activities.

If you spend your free time alone and bored, it will be harder to resist the temptation to follow porn. In this case, it is hard to find a way how to stop watching porn. So¸find other things to take care of.

– Start a daily sports activity. Many people practice sports as an alternative to addiction because it releases endorphin and other wellness substances.

– Take a vacation or take a weekend trip to start your exercise. It is often easy to change habits when accompanied by a change in environment or circumstances.

– Ask a friend to introduce you to his hobby. Social activities allow you to automatically know a person or group of people who encourage you to continue in your path of change, even if they do not know why you started the activity.

6. Identify the Triggering Effect.

Keep a notebook to record whenever you have a great desire for pornography or have followed. Describe the scene that preceded that desire, including your mood, what you were doing, and how you felt that day. Stress, lack of sleep, friends who use or talk about it or easy access to pornography are among the possible triggers.

7. Adopt a Strategic Plan to Counteract Your Triggers.

If possible, avoid all triggers altogether. If it’s the fact of following a half-erotic advertisement on TV that makes you click, then avoid following programs that might have that kind of content. If this is the route you take to get to the university campus, then take another path. If you can not reasonably avoid a trigger, think in advance about how you will counteract its effects on you.

– If the trigger is unavoidable, make a psychological plan in advance of what you can do in this situation. Imagine if you do not know what’s going on, think of what to eat at dinner instead, or leave the computer and get some fresh air.

– Have fun with you like a good book or a collection of puzzles.

8. Seek Help from a Professional.

If your attempt to stop watching porn turns out to be difficult or too stressful in your life, seek the advice of a professional therapist and read the 12 Step Method. Therapy is important especially if you have experienced sexual or physical abuse in the past, or if you have experienced depression or anxiety.

– If you have unsatisfactory sex with a partner, try to participate in support meetings to find a solution together. A study has shown that even an ordinary relationship orientation can improve sexual intercourse.

The book Porn Addiction Recovered is your one-stop source for obtaining tools based on research that will allow you to better understand pornography addiction, how to recover from the addiction, and how to maintain recovery,

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