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What Is the Best Food for the Brain?

What is the best food for the brain? Eating many fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats and dairy products, legumes, whole grains, and good hydration is the best food for the brain. It is also aging less quickly, learning better, working more efficiently, being in a better mood, and better withstand the various stresses of our environment…

1 – Carbohydrates: Are Carbohydrates Among The Best Food for the Brain?What Is the Best Food for the Brain?

Carbohydrates probably are not among the best food for the brain, but we have to know that carbohydrates are the fuel of the brain. Every day, the brain uses about 120g of glucose. It is therefore important to consume carbohydrates at every meal: bread, pasta, rice, cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk, and yogurt.

*** Vitamin B1

To use glucose (sugar), the brain needs vitamin B1. This vitamin plays the role of the spark plug that runs the engine.

Vitamin B1 deficiency is also manifested by weaknesses, irritability, headaches, fatigue, and depression: functions associated with the brain and the nervous system.

Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine. Pork, tuna, and sweet potato are the highest sources of vitamin B1. Whole grain, soy, legumes, salmon, orange juice, nuts, and offal are good sources.

*** Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid

Vitamin B9, or folic acid, is present in foods’ natural form of folate. Its primary role is to intervene in the synthesis of the different components of the genetic material. Whether its DNA, a molecule that carries the genetic code, or RNA, which is responsible for protein production, vitamin B9 is essential for cell formation and growth. It plays an indirect role in forming red blood cells, neuro mediators, and immune system molecules.

2 – Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids participate in the very structure of the brain. Brain cells consist of a high proportion of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, including one in particular, DHA. Fats are essential for the proper functioning of the brain.

These omega-3 fatty acids are mainly provided by fatty fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, shrimp, sardines, etc.). Some oils (soybean, nut, and canola) and flaxseed contain them.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fight bad cholesterol and improves blood circulation in the brain.

3 – Antioxidants

The fatty acids oxidize and turn into free radicals, the worst enemies of neurons.

Antioxidants are very widely present in fruits and vegetables. And the more colorful they are, the more they contain.

*** Beta Carotene

Orange and red fruits and vegetables are full of beta-carotene, a pigment that turns into vitamin A once absorbed by the stomach. It is an antioxidant; it attacks free radicals, these toxic substances that damage cells.

*** Selenium

Selenium is an antioxidant trace element that is involved in the metabolism of free radicals and other substances produced by lipid oxidation at the level of cell membranes.

Sources of selenium: natural tuna, egg, raw red pepper, dry white bean, raisin, cooked lentil, among others.

*** The Iron

The brain needs to be oxygenated. And iron is essential for the transport of oxygen in the blood. Iron deficiency causes a decrease in intellectual performance and mood disorders.

The best sources of iron are red meats, organ meats, fortified cereals, dried fruits, and leafy greens. The body more easily absorbs animal-source iron than iron of plant origin. But by adding a source of vitamin C (tomatoes, citrus, peppers) to meals, the absorption of iron from plant products is facilitated. Thus, iron-containing foods can be considered among the best foods for the brain.

4 – Healthy Eating – What Is the Best Food for the Brain?

The main function of the foods we eat is to give us the nutrients necessary for our body to function properly. However, there are foods that, in addition to feeding us, have the quality of cleaning the body of toxins.

Fruits, vegetables and grains: foods that purify the body. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help fight fatigue and stress.

*** The BananaBanana - one of the best food for the brain

Rich in magnesium, essential for the transmission of nerve impulses, banana is also a source of vitamin B6, involved in the assimilation and use of magnesium inside cells, but also and especially in the metabolism of acids. amino acids and nervous system function, allowing the manufacture of certain neuromediators, including serotonin and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). These two molecules seem to create a favorable ground for prudent, thoughtful and calm behavior.

*** Apple

The apple contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system. Excellent source of pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber, and has the merit of protecting the brain against excess cholesterol and neurotoxic metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. It has certain substances with soothing properties. Eating before going to sleep, promotes sleep. This same fiber contributes to the balance of the intestinal flora, the place where the overall health of the body, including the brain, is conceived. It is also a good source of vitamin C and an antioxidant that protects cells.

*** The Mango

Mango is one of the richest fruits in carotene or provitamin A, which later turns into vitamin A in the gut. Ripe mango contains substances that are similar to some modern antidepressants. It also contains vitamin B for the proper functioning of the nervous system, metabolism and skin health. It is also well supplied with ascorbic acid or vitamin C.

*** The Strawberry

The strawberry is rich in vitamins. It brings vitamin A as well as vitamins of group B, vitamin B9. It contains flavonoids, antioxidants that give it its red color. Its mineral content is moderate but it contains potassium, iron, copper, and zinc.

*** The Melon

It is particularly rich in provitamin A (beta-carotene) with antioxidant properties, a vitamin essential for the growth and development of cells, vision and the immune system. It contains cucurbocitrin, a soothing substance that lowers blood pressure.

*** The Grenade

It is a great neuro-protector, food with great antioxidant powers. Its richness in natural pigments is one of the reasons, but also by its content of polyphenols, which strengthen the small capillaries that irrigate the brain. It also contains pectin and vitamin C in large quantities.

*** The Red Fruits

All the edible berries (blackcurrants, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries …) are real mines of vitamin C. Together; they fight not only against the free radicals but also improve the circulation and reinforces the small capillaries blood, which allows a better oxygenation of the brain.

*** Blueberries

Rich in antioxidants, these berries protect the brain from stress and early aging. They are also linked to improvements in memory and learning.

*** Garlic

The fresher the garlic, the better it is. It is a very powerful food that contains many virtues. It is an excellent source for reducing bad cholesterol and strengthening the cardiovascular system. It is also a good antioxidant for the brain. It’s one of the best food for the brain also.

*** The Lettuce

One of the properties of lettuce is that of acting as a natural sleeping aid. It has lactucarium, a substance that is close to opium, without presenting the disadvantages of toxicity. This substance gives lettuce its soothing properties and makes it a very effective remedy in cases of insomnia.

*** The AvocadoAvocado

The richness of avocado vitamin E is exceptional. This vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidants and protects especially the fatty tissues of the brain against aging.

*** Potato

It contains minerals and vitamins essential to the brain: potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Its potassium content is considerable: a medium potato (steamed) provides 400 mg, enough to reduce by 40% the risk of heart attack, according to a study by Kay-Tee Khaw and Elisabeth Barett-Connor of the University of California.

*** Quinoa

Because of its richness in certain fatty acids, but especially for its high content of essential amino acids, vital for producing neurotransmitters, this food also contains minerals that are important for the brain, such as iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. In addition, quinoa has a low glycemic index, which means that it provides glucose slowly and gradually, a positive virtue for brain activity. So quinoa can be counted among the best food for the brain also.

*** Nuts

Walnuts contain protein, lots of fiber, and good fats. We also find vitamin E, essential to cognitive function. They stimulate the production of neurotransmitters and provide lecithin and trace elements important for cognition, such as phosphorus, iron, and magnesium.

*** The almonds

Almonds provide more calcium than other nuts. A serving of almonds will provide half the daily needs of vitamin E to improve brain activity.

*** Seeds

Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds. The seeds contain a lot of protein, good fats, vitamin E, antioxidants, and important minerals like magnesium, which give you energy.

*** Sesame

An antioxidant effect – acts against cellular aging – and an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect – articular and rheumatic pains, neuralgia -. Facilitates the proper functioning of the liver, heart, brain and nervous system. Stimulates memory and intellectual activity. It detoxifies the liver, thanks to the methionine it contains.

*** Eggs

Are eggs good for you?

The eggs contain lecithin and phospholipids, which form part of the membrane structure of the brain cells. Its proteins are rich in amino acids essential for the manufacture of the main neurotransmitters.

*** Oily Fish

They are the main suppliers of Omega-3s (DHA and EPA), which are essential for the functioning of neurons and play an important role in memory.

The Salmon.

Salmon is very rich in omega fatty acids called DHA. It plays a vital role in the functioning of the brain. Especially for memory and everyday activities like driving a car or shopping.

5 – Herbs for Memory

They are great concentrates of active ingredients, minerals, and vitamins. They are digestive, antiseptic, and tonic.


It is a recommended tonic for treating memory loss after a period of intellectual overwork. It is drunk as an infusion: boil a teaspoon in a cup of water. Take three cups a day.


Sage stimulates memory; it is even sometimes introduced in the symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Chinese doctors attributed him the power to increase mental alertness. It is the plant of the overworked. It is drunk as an infusion: 20 gr of leaves and flowers in a liter of boiling water. Drink three cups a day.


Some flavonoids (including apigenin) contained in this flavor have stimulating properties for concentration and memory by promoting blood circulation in the brain.

6 – Natural Stimulants of the Brain

*** Ginger

It is a good stimulant of the brain; it can replace coffee or tea. It’s a light stimulant and not exciting. It stimulates blood circulation and promotes blood supply to the brain. To consume as an infusion, use small pieces of the fresh root, and boil them for a few minutes.

*** Green Tea

Green tea is full of catechins, a powerful antioxidant. Consumed in moderation, it has beneficial effects on alertness, concentration, and memory.

*** GinsengGinseng for brain

Ginseng stimulates the adrenal cortex, increases memory, accelerates learning ability, and even regulates cervical activity. It is the plant of learning and physical and mental performance. Studies have shown that ginseng increases the oxygenation of brain cells and could address the lack of oxygen in brain tissue caused by amphetamines.

According to researcher Brekhman, ginseng can be taken for a long time without the risk of sleep loss or appetite. In addition, according to the Bulgarian pharmacologist Petkov, ginseng is a balanced stimulant. It does not create a state of anxiety hyperactivity like amphetamines or coffee (in excessive doses). Ginseng contains eighty nutrients. These include vitamins A, E, C, H, group B, trace elements and minerals (zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, iodine, selenium, etc.), enzymes, and fatty acids.

*** Algae

They concentrate many nutrients, such as proteins of high biological value and all minerals that are needed in optimal proportions to be assimilated. Some algae provide a lot of iron, which facilitates the oxygenation of the brain, with vitamin C, which allows it to integrate into the body. Alginic acid from some algae effectively removes potentially harmful substances from the brain.

7 – Liquid: To Prevent Dry Failure…Hydrate the brain

When not drinking enough, the body can no longer maintain adequate blood pressure, evacuate waste, or deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to all cells, including the brain.

Dehydration can lead to dizziness, loss of concentration, and fatigue.

Make sure to drink enough, about 1.5 L of liquid a day (water, milk, soup, tea, coffee, juice, etc.).

General Recommendations

* Oxygen keeps the cellular level of the body well. This is very important, especially in the functioning of the brain with regard to the activities of memory. Therefore, breath deeply, encourage outdoor life, and get in touch with nature.

* Avoid excessive consumption of white sugar, flour, rice, and additives, as they affect the nervous system and can change behavior. Excessive use is associated with hyperactivity in children.

* Avoid hypoglycemia. Do these five meals a day at regular times and have breakfast before starting the daily tasks – work, school, etc. -. The brain needs to be fed with essential fatty acids, and the consumption of saturated fats is limited to avoid malfunctions.

* You have to eat only the best food for the brain. Avoid the consumption of “junk food,” alcohol, tobacco, etc.

* Exercise and/or sports.

Read also How to Increase Brain Power.


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