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Doubting the Existence of God-Where Does It Come From?

Where does it come from doubting the existence of God? Nowadays, we meet several statements mentioning the non-existence of God. We believe that these statements are the result of doubt and skepticism. What do these statements look like? We list a few. Atheists proclaim that God does not exist and that the very idea of God is an invention of the human spirit. ” Men have invented God and religion. And not the reverse. ” – said a friend of mine in an article titled ” Belief in One God – Which Is the Right One? ”.

Doubting the existence of God.

Biologists think that God is not necessary. Secular scientists want to ban God from any discussion, assuming that this subject remains within the realm of personal beliefs and that there is no evidence to support it. Ignorant theologians, misguided, have their share of responsibility in this deception, suggesting that we can consider the existence of God by being content with blind faith – believe only – without need or possibility of evidence!

It is obvious this alarming fact that led us to produce a reflection on the existence of God. And, especially, on the theme: Doubting about the existence of God. More often than not, the subject of the existence of God remains a subject to which we do not generally like to discuss or to deepen it. And yet, it is well worth it. It is, therefore, necessary to understand is there an explanation for doubting the existence of God? What are the reasons for doubting the existence of God?

What should you expect in this article from Preacher Thomson Dablemond? Well! You will read how and why the knowledge of the real God has been perverted and stifled. You will learn why our modern society is so skeptical about issues affecting God. You will see why God’s questions about God do not find an answer. Where does it come from doubting the existence of God?

We note at first sight that the entry of sin into humanity could be the first origin of doubting the existence of God. For the nature of man has become sinful, after his disobedience to God. So the image of God has been tarnished in man. Human thoughts have been perverted. The human faculties took a hit.

However, secondly, Satan is the one who undertook the initiative to divert man from his Creator. In this impulse, Satan will try to push the man to renounce God to prevent him from seizing the opportunity to cling to the plan of salvation. Thus, Satan will undertake the activity that will consist of saying to mark in the human mind: the inexistence of God. There we also understand the origin of doubting about the existence of God. But it’s not all.DOUBTING ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF GOD

Finally, Satan saw that despite his efforts against the belief in the existence of God, man has always had a penchant for religion. Man has always thought of the divine. Man always wants to be in touch with his Creator. So, the devil is going to use a tactic; he’s going to use science. Why not make Science a religion to drive a man to unbelief, disbelief, skepticism?

This is another source of doubts about the existence of God that we touch. The following paragraphs will tell us more. How in practice have men come doubting the existence of God?

When Science Becomes a Religion …

Science has made us gods even before we deserve to be men. ” Said, Jean Rostand. Analyze this thought more closely. You will understand that Science has become more than a religion. Science seems to have dethroned God in the hearts of people. This is indeed justified. Because of consider this fact:

For a large part of the last century, many people took it for granted that science could explain the universe without God and that His existence was more than doubtful. It is sometimes said that an intelligent people do not need to believe in God – however, nothing can be further from the truth! This is what Satan tried to achieve through Science.understanding signs from the universe

A moment. Let’s mark a break! Are we saying that Science is bad in itself in general? No. Understand that in reality, Science has been given to man to help him understand the works of God through studies, research, discoveries. But again and again, Satan and men have perverted the meaning. When Science becomes a religion, it becomes the origin of doubts about the existence of God.

When Religion Makes a Compromise With Science …

In order not to diminish their influence, theologians, who claim that the Bible is not enough to rule dogmas about God and His word, have followed suit in an attempt to harmonize science and religion. Today, religion is in decline because the truth about the real God has been ignored, perverted, and stifled. It is not impossible to think that Science has given itself another ” god ” and engendered ” other gods ” by excluding even the idea of a Creator God, and above all the real and true God: the God of the Bible.

Here again, we see another origin of doubts about the existence of God. By linking the Bible to the scientific criteria, questions about God: faith has been compromised. Theology has thus favored doubts about the existence of God in the ranks of believers.

That it is dangerous to see a believer denied God or to question his existence!

We continue our reflection. And we seek to know now why people have doubts about the existence of God. By the way, we pay homage to Preacher Douglas S. Winnail, one of whose pamphlets on the question of the real God helped us to write this article in part. I now urge you to continue reading about the reasons for doubts about the existence of God.

But, first, let’s understand why our modern culture is so skeptical and confused about God’s issues, and how it started. Let us note why believing in God is of little importance, and let us examine the consequences of this erroneous approach. You cannot afford the luxury of staying in the dark about these fundamental issues.

A Superficial Christianity

Today, many people practice ” consumer Christianity ” or ” cafeteria religion ” – that is, they take and choose the religious principles they want, and reject the doctrines that do not attract. For many of them, religious beliefs are often vague, fortuitous, and personal. The level of faith and belief is often low. Doctrinal specifics are usually unclear. Everyone believes what seems to be right in his own eyes. […]

A superficial religion can only inevitably lead to skepticism and doubts about God, and of course the question of its existence. The Bible states: ” But without faith, it is impossible for him [God] to be pleasing; for he who approaches God must believe that God exists and that he is the rewarder of those who seek him. ” (Hebrews 11: 6). But how can I believe in God if I practice superficial Christianity? This is one of the origins of doubts about the existence of God.knowledge of god

In reality, God is always revealed to those who have a burning desire to know him, to meet him, to have personal experience with him. Have you not read what the Lord says through the mouth of his prophet: ” You will seek me, and you will find me if you seek me with all your heart. I will let myself be found by you, says the Lord … ” (Jeremiah 11: 13-14a).

How is it possible to believe in someone whose personal and intimate relationship we do not have? You understand why it is not uncommon to see even some believers doubt the existence of God. And if so, what about non-believers?

The Reason Is Substituted in Religion: Science Replaces the Bible …

Historians assert that during the history of the Christian religion, the perverted ideas of the Gnostics ” obscured the Christian faith,” and that theologians educated in pagan philosophy tried to explain the nature of God by speculating, instead of teaching what God has revealed about Him in the Scriptures. After centuries of debate and debate, it is not surprising that the abstract God of modern Christianity is so unlike the true God of the Scriptures.

Other ideas of European origin undermine and also alter the teachings relating to the real God. The 18th century of ” enlightenment ” and scientific discoveries that seemed to contradict the scriptures led some to conclude that the Bible and its God were only myths (see God’s Funeral, Wilson, 1999). Darwin’s speculations about evolution seemed to erase the need for a creative God. Julian Huxley, a promoter of Darwin’s ideas, privately declared: ” The goal and the evolutionist thought are getting rid of the need and necessity of supernatural beings, capable of influencing the course of events. The earth was not created; she evolved. It was so with all the animals and plants that populate it, including human beings, thought and soul as well as intelligence and the body. Huxley brazenly pretended that “God is beginning to look no more like a monarch, but the rest of a grimace of a cosmic cat from Cheshire! Faced with what seemed to be the power of the discoveries made by scientists, theologians reconsidered and pushed back their conceptions of God. ”

Huxley made another observation that even today influences people’s view of God. He commented, ” Our concept of God needs to take on a religious experience instead of just believing in a particular dogma. In other words, God would be the feeling of warmth that rises from your heart-not the Supreme Being, whose existence you can prove to have, and which intervenes in history. ” This idea was propagated in the 1600s by the French philosopher Pascal, who said: ” It is the heart that feels God, not the reason.”

The Reformation theologian, John Wesley, also spoke of the “hot heart” as a sign that a person has discovered the religious truth. However, all this stands in great contrast to Paul’s exhortation to his Greek audience to ” examine all things; remember what is good ” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). The prophet Malachi cites God as saying, ” Test me ...” (Malachi 3:10). To prove, one must find solid and convincing reasons. Belief in the true God engages the mind – not just warm feelings in the heart!

Over the last two centuries, belief in God has become the target of attacks by many Western intellectuals – the children of the ” enlightenment ” century. The German philosopher Nietzsche claimed that ” God is a thought.” Freud equated belief in God with a form of mental disorder, which humanity eventually developed. Karl Marx compared religious belief with ” the opium of the people. ” The atheist H. L. Mencken assured that ” God is the constant refuge of the incapable, the neglected, the wretched.” Playwright Tennessee Williams describes God as a ” senile offender.” In the 1960s, renowned theologians echoed Nietzsche’s sentiments to finally ask this question: ” Is God dead? ” The Oxford zoologist, Richard Dawkins, in a speech entitled “A scientific case against God,” argued that no evidence supported religion and that the most educated would admit that (Science, August 15, 1997, page 892 ). He declared that whoever believed in the Creator God was ” scientifically illiterate.”

As you read this blog, you now understand how the fact that reason is substituted for religion has opened the door to doubts and skepticism about the existence of God. By replacing Bible with Science, this was a reason to doubt the existence, for some.

In the heat of such assaults on believing in God, the lack of strong Biblical teachings on the part of the clergy, and the lack of honesty on the part of scientists to objectively present physical evidence, it is not surprising that the real God of this universe remains little known to the majority of people! Nevertheless, the questions remain. Are the detractors right, or have they been seduced? Have the great talkers of past ages, the atheists, tragically misled our society vis-à-vis, God? There are some important lessons from the Bible and the recent past that relate to questions about God.

New Evidence, New Lessons

More than 3000 years ago, David wrote in the Psalms: ” The fool says in his heart, There is no God! ” (Psalm 14: 1). Solomon declares, ” The mouth of fools spreads folly ” (Proverbs 15: 2). Looking back a few centuries, it is clear that many ” enlightened ” intellectuals, who influenced our modern world, were simply wrong! They made insane assumptions and crazy declarations that many people believed! These lost people were only blind people driving blind people.

Marx’s communism was a lamentable failure that caused unnamed suffering. Freud’s theories in psychiatry have been widely discredited. While Freud claimed that religion was a neurosis, one of his students, Carl Jung, said that religion was very beneficial in the treatment of psychologically disturbed individuals (God: The Evidence, Glynn, 1997, page 69). In fact, a growing volume of scientific literature shows the positive effects of some religions on health. Marx and Freud, whose ideas did much to secularize our society by undermining his religions and moral foundations, were unfortunately ignorant of many things.

The same can be said of the ideas of Charles Darwin and the freethinkers who were his contemporaries. Darwin’s evolutionary theories, which supposedly dispensed with the need for a creative God, began to be increasingly criticized in recent decades. A growing number of scholars – including astronomers, biologists, biochemists, and paleontologists – admit that the theory of evolution does not explain, and cannot explain, the origin of the earth, that of life, and that of the species. The ideas generated by Darwin and the others do not fit with what the fossils show or with what has been discovered in the middle of the century on the universe (see Creation and Evolution, Hayward, 1995; Debating Darwin, Christian Century, July 15-22, 1998, pages 678-681).

The 20th century is now behind us. We have entered a new millennium, and the questions about God are coming up again seriously. It has been proved that the aimless universe of evolutionists was only depressing and empty. Surprising discoveries about the universe indicate that there is an intelligent Creator (see Newsweek, July 20, 1998, pages 47-52, November 9, 1998, page 88). It is recognized that natural science, which seemed to be able to provide answers to all questions, can no longer cross certain limits.

Conclusion on the Origin and Reasons for Doubts the Existence of God

To deny the Bible is to deny its authentic Author. To doubt the Bible is to doubt its authentic Author. Did you make that remark? The majority of those who do not believe in the Bible or deny the Scriptures tend to deny the existence of God.

Another thing, dear reader, I would like to draw your attention to a fact relative to the nature of man. As you can see in my presentation on the site in the section “about us,” I have been practicing for some time in the field of education … It often happens that a pupil dares to affirm: ” I hate this subject … This subject is difficult to understand … I do not understand this discipline … I feel help with such discipline about this subject … I prefer one subject over the other … ”

Indeed, the human mind has always tended to reject or deny what he does not understand or what is beyond his comprehension. This is the case with men when it comes to questions about God.issues of god

Through this article, I would like to talk to someone. He is no blinder than he who refuses to see. Everything is a question of understanding. God has made everything available to man. It is up to man to humbly accept what his Creator tells him. No one is better placed to teach God apart from what the Bible says about God. No human study can replace the Word of God, especially when it comes to questions about God.

The majority of those who deny or do not believe in the Bible, these people are more tempted to not believe in the existence of God. For whoever professes that God exists must be able to believe in the Bible.

The very fact that every human being often asks himself, “Does God really exist? Or “Who is the real God?” This implies and justifies the existence of God. If our conscience makes mention of it, it is because somewhere it has this certainty; but what prevents us from admitting that God exists, the real God is our inability to understand or our ignorance, our bad knowledge of the real God.questions about the existence of god

God never encouraged “blind faith.” It is in our consciousness that we accept God. God has always left evidence to humanity about its existence. God does not force anyone to believe in his existence. But God reveals himself to him who seeks him humbly.

Doubting about the existence of God is simpler and easier than believing in God for some people. The problem with the human mind Only when we have a closed mind, square, stiff on a subject; it is difficult to discover the truth: when we meet the true God under his real image. On the other hand, without even trying to explore the evidence of its existence. Others just stick to Science. The questions about God are more religious than scientific. It’s more appealing to our consciousness. We do not ask to believe blindly, but rather to seek the knowledge of the existence of God.

How ready are we to open our hearts and exercise our minds in search of evidence before doubting the existence of God?

We invite you to turn your gaze, always in the context of our reflection on the existence of God – but more specifically on the evidence of the existence of the real God.

Click on the following link: Evidence about the real God.

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