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Is Spiritualism a Religion or Something Else?

Is spiritualism a religion or something else? What is spiritualism at its core? How is a spiritualism session conducted? You can find out all this and more in this article.

Spiritualism identifies various religious and philosophical doctrines that believe in the survival of the spirit (soul) after the death of the physical body and, primarily, in the ability to communicate with them, accidentally or intentionally, by evocations or natural patterns.

Is Spiritualism a Religion?Is Spiritualism a Religion?

Spiritualism is a doctrine or practice that considers it possible to establish communication with the spirit of a dead person through the media or in some other way. As a philosophical doctrine, spiritualism emerged in the mid-nineteenth century from an analysis of the codified books of the Frenchman Allan Kardec.

The idea of Kardek’s spiritualism was that spiritual development was caused by reincarnation. “Dressing up” in the earthly body, the spirits are purified and perfected, repeatedly returning to this world to experience earthly trials. The spirit that has gone through all the stages of reincarnation becomes “pure” and occupies eternal life. Everything he gained in earthly life (according to Kardec) is not lost. Kardec claimed that this concept he formed was based on the messages of the “ghosts” themselves.

Spirituality is a type of religion that demands absolute obedience from its followers in return for promising immortality. This is fundamentally contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. It can therefore be argued that spiritualism is the denial of Christ and Christianity with its basic principles. It can be attributed to black satanic philosophies.

So What Is Spiritualism at Its Core?

Philosophical spiritualism refers to a system of philosophy that defends the spiritual essence and immortality of the soul, created in response to positivism.

Spiritualism as Learning: What Is It?

The essence of the mystical doctrine of spiritualism can be formulated as the belief that the spiritual part of a person still exists after the bodily death of the body. Moreover, it can communicate with people living through intermediaries, usually the media. Proponents of this doctrine claim that spirits control natural phenomena and the entire material essence. Magical devices performed with the help of evil spirits are called sorcery. The Bible and, therefore, the church categorically condemn all forms of spiritualism.

Main Principles of Spirituality

The clergy claims that: 

  • The human soul still exists after the end of earthly life, immortal.
  • With the help of an experienced medium, any person can learn how to challenge the spirit of a deceased relative or acquaintance, get in touch with him, receive the necessary advice, and help or find out his future.
  • Divine judgment on the dead does not happen; no matter how they live their lives, all people will attain immortality of the soul after death.

What Is a Spiritualist?

A Spiritualist is a clergyman who deals with vital spirits or has some particular opinion about them.

How Is a Spiritualism Session Conducted?

The apparent simplicity of this ritual and the special spectacularity have brought such a string immense popularity among people interested in the unknown. A spiritualism session, as a rule, is conducted by more people. In order to achieve the necessary result, it is necessary for one of the participants to be a means or at least possess the appropriate skills and some experience in conducting such sessions. The sacrament begins at noon and lasts until four in the morning. Inviting the souls of life after death to some memorable days in their earthly life (for example, birthdays or deaths) is desirable. According to the media, Summoning ghosts favors the full moon, which enhances the super abilities of the media. A semi-dark room with plenty of candles and incense was chosen for the session. According to tradition, session participants leave a window or door open so that the spirit does not interfere with entering the room. There should be objects associated with the aroused spirit: photographs, mascots, paintings, and Books.

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