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What Are the Components Of Emotion?

What are emotions? What are the components of emotion? What are the main areas of emotions? The answers in this article. Please read on.

Every day of our life, not to say every minute and even every second, we have to deal with our emotions and those of others. Emotions play a vital role in our life. They can sometimes dominate us, sometimes make us very happy and sometimes make us very unhappy.

Emotions are recognized as one of the four types of mental operations, namely: motivation, emotions, cognitions, and (less frequently) consciousness.

I – Attempt to Define “Emotions”

By defining emotions, or pathê, as “all those feelings which change man by leading him to modify his judgment and which are accompanied by suffering or pleasure” (Rhetoric, Book II, chap. 1, 1378a), Aristotle formulates what is considered to be one of the earliest definitions of emotions.

In humans, emotion basically includes “physiological behavior, expressive behaviors, and consciousness.” Emotion is associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition, and motivation.

One of the first treatises on emotions is by the philosopher René Descartes. In his treatise The Passions of the Soul, Descartes identifies six simple emotions: “admiration, love, hate, desire, joy, and sadness,” and all the others are made up of a few of these six or well are species.

According to Wikipedia, an emotion is a psychological and physical reaction to a situation. It first has an internal manifestation and generates an external reaction. It is caused by the confrontation with a situation and the interpretation of reality. In this, emotion is different from a sensation, which is the direct physical consequence (relation to temperature, texture, etc.). The sensation is directly associated with sensory perception. The feeling is, therefore, physical. The difference between emotion and feeling lies in the fact that the feeling does not present a reactive manifestation. Nevertheless, an accumulation of feelings can generate emotional states.

Emotion can be defined as a sequence of changes occurring in five organic systems (cognitive, psychophysiological, motor, denotational, monitor), in an interdependent and synchronized manner in response to the evaluation of the relevance of an external or internal stimulus by related to a central interest for the organization.

II – Components Of Emotion

The First Among Components Of Emotion We Can Mention Self-Consciousness

Let me emphasize at the outset that the term of emotion expresses all of the components of emotion.

* Know yourself: know your feelings, understand the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and actions.

* Understand yourself: identify your tendencies in your emotional life, recognize these same tendencies in others.

* Integrate your feelings: be aware of your inner dialogue, see how you manage your experiences, discover the determining feelings.

* To reveal yourself: to develop openness, to create confidence in your relationships. Determine when this revelation is appropriate.


* Accept others: view them with a positive attitude. See similarities and differences as an asset.

* Listen to the other: develop openness, welcome, interest in the experience of the other.

* Understand others’ feelings: perceive the feelings and concerns of others and understand their point of view.


* Accept yourself: consider yourself with a positive attitude, feel pride, recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

* Assert yourself: express your feelings and concerns without aggression or passivity. Take responsibility for personal experience.

Personal Efficiency

* Make conscious decisions: examine your actions and assess their consequences, plan for them.

* Take responsibility: recognize the consequences of their decisions and actions. Honoring your commitments.

* Manage stress: learn the value and techniques of visualization, relaxation.

Interpersonal Understanding

* Understanding Relationships: Understanding the effect of one’s behavior on the feelings of others and the effects of other people’s behaviors on his feelings.

* Understand the dynamics of inclusion and influence in a group.

Social Interaction

* Work in a group, in a team: cooperate, know when and how to lead, when and how to collaborate, when and how to trust.

* Resolve conflicts: Fairly confront others. Recognize reciprocal needs. Negotiate with creativity and respect.

III – Main Areas

* Knowledge of emotions. It is the ability to be able to identify one’s own emotions.

* Control of your emotions. It is the ability to adapt your feelings to each situation, and it depends on your awareness of yourself.

* Motivation. People who have this ability are generally extremely productive and efficient in whatever they do.

* The perception of the emotions of others. These people are then gifted for teaching, sales, management, and other professions where others’ interest is paramount.

* Mastery of human relations. Knowing how to maintain good relationships with others is, in large part, knowing how to manage their emotions.

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