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Through It All Song for the Days When You Have a Hard Time

Through It All song was written by Andrae Crouch and represented his biography in a nutshell and a Christian testimony simultaneously. Andrae Crouch was born on July 1, 1942, in Los Angeles, California. He experienced difficult times when his father, mother, and brother died within two years. He said that this period of his life was probably the most difficult because he wondered why it happened in the face of endless sadness. He was later diagnosed with four different types of cancer and congestive heart failure. In the grip of these problems and mental pain, he continued to work in the Church: he composed Christian songs and hits that helped millions of people through each day, and he also served as a pastor at the Crist Memorial Church in California. One day, while praying, he asked God why he had taken away his mother. Through It All Song for the Days When You Have a Hard Time

He Started to Worship and Adore God With Songs

He concluded that he had no choice but to worship and adore God with songs, not because God gives and takes away, but because, in one way or another, God reveals himself in everything. As a stubborn child, he first resisted the idea of glorifying God while he was in hardships and difficulties because, in these difficult moments, he could not even feel good enough to glorify and worship God. But after fierce grinding and severe internal struggles, he gave in and began to pray: “Thank you, Jesus. I praise you, Jesus.” At this point, he was filled with hope as if a volcano had erupted and excitement as if God himself had come to him and comforted him. He could not stop praising and worshiping God. In this unique event, Andrae realized that the cure for discouragement and despair is to glorify God. There is great power in thanking and praising God.

Through It All Song Was Not the Only Song Written by Andrae Crouch

Interestingly, Andrae has become an almost world-famous Christian songwriter and musician, even though he has no musical training. He even stuttered as a child, but today, he still struggles with dyslexia. His songs inspired people so much that even Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Vanessa Williams, Whitney Huston, Diana Ross, and Paul Simon sang them. Most of the songs Andrae wrote are about overcoming difficult times with faith in God. In general, the song “Through It All” is entirely about the fact that in life, we encounter many hardships and problems and pains, but in all of them, we must learn to trust Jesus, God.

The lyrics of this song talk about difficult circumstances and moments when everything seems hopeless and how God’s grace and faithfulness are revealed just then.

Do we cling to God in hardships and difficulties? When we find ourselves in the grip of trials and can’t even smile, we listen to the song Through It All.


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