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The Principles of Life and Time

Life is not the result of chance. Coincidence does not exist. The life of man is inscribed in time. God has created time. These are the principles of life. (Genesis 1: 1). (See Psalms 90: 4, 2 Peter 3: 8, Psalm 31:15, Daniel 2: 21).

Likewise, there is a divine calendar. This calendar plays a role in the existence and human life: “There is a time for everything and a time for everything under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3: 1.The Principles of Life and Time

This reflects the idea that Coincidence Does Not Exist … Banish your language that chance exists. Remember, once and forever, that coincidence does not exist. Because in reality, you must build, lead your life according to the principles of life and time. Remember that as far as the universe is governed by laws, so also the life of man is governed by laws which we call “the principles of life and time”.Suddenly, the existence of the man suits his course in time. And the time to his laws and the principles that touch life and human existence. And if we seek to understand life, then it is wise to study the principles of God’s calendar concerning the events of life, at the stages of life as outlined in the passage from Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8.

The life of man is therefore governed by principles. These principles of life and time apply to everyone, every race, every tribe, every language. These principles of life are universal and are inextricably linked to time.

The Principles of Life and Time

It is with great pleasure that we will present you with the principles of life and time.

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Click on those links below for the next articles on the principles of life.

This law of being born and dying must always be in our thought. We must never forget the life that time belongs to us. That’s why we have to enjoy all the second of our life. Every second, minute must be used and kept as precious.

(1) – The principle of birth and death.

Here is the principle of ” seedtime and harvest time ”. The second part of the principles of life and time.
To be ready to harvest, you must sow. And when we sow, we can expect to harvest. We experience seedtime and harvest time. It is a law also of life. In life too, we must expect to harvest what we have sown.

(2) – The principle of seed and harvest.

This is the ‘principle of health. The third part of the principles of life and time. Since the sin of Adam and Eve, our health has experienced upheavals (diseases, infections, ailments, etc.). Human health has lost its stability. On the other hand, this principle of health is directly related to the fundamental principle of ‘being born and dying’.

(3) – The principle of health. 

Here is the principle of “rethinking and building”.  The fourth part of the principles of life and time.
It applies to all areas of life. Whether professional, social, economic. The term ” to cut down ” means to start over, to redo an action, an activity, a vision, and so on.

(4) – The principle of the balance sheet and construction.

We are addressing the subject of  “ the principle of pain and joy.” And this is the fifth part of the principles of life and time. The expression “crying and mourning” brings us back to suffering, to hard work, to difficulties related to human life. In the life of a man, there comes a time when everything seems to be complicated and looms over him. As human beings, we must expect to endure sentences regardless of the form and content of the sentence. When it comes to pain, it even happens that we lose faith, hope, and courage. We seem to be overwhelmed by depression, anxiety.

(5) – The principle of pain and joy. 

This is the principle of ” trial and observation of the test.”  The Principle of Essay and Observation
In the life of a man, sometimes he has to try everything, to put his hand everywhere to see where there is a good answer. This is the moment of ” trying ”. That’s when we tend to say, ” You never know! ” – ” You have to touch everything-the hand can do ” – ” Who knows where the smile will come from? ”

(6) – The principle of testing and observation. 

“A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.” Ecclesiastes 3: 5.
The embrace, according to the Dictionary, is the action of kissing which means: squeeze, hug, or squeeze with both arms. This translates here, in our context, the term to hold firm or to attach oneself firmly to an idea or a thing. There is also a time to kiss and a time to move away from the embraces. This is ”  the principle of engagement and delay or disengagement. ”

(7) – The principle of commitment and delay or disengagement. 

This is the principle of “gain and loss.”  It applies almost to all areas of life. There is a time when everything smiles at us; where everything seems to go on good wheels; where all the doors open for us; Where all we succeed; where all the opportunities come to us. This period is related to the period of joy. This period is favorable when it fits according to the time, the will, and the way of God.

(8) – The principle of gain and loss.

This is the principle of “conservation and storage.” This principle applies to our assets, our goods, our habits, and our ideologies, etc. either we keep them or abandon them.

(9) – The principle of conservation and storage. 

This is the principle of” discipline or temperance.”  It brings back to the idea of violence on oneself, self-control, moderation.  In the life of every man, there comes a time when we must do violence to ourselves, discipline ourselves: it concerns our body, our spirit, our tastes, our appetites, our passions. Dominate your appetites, your passions, your desires by submitting them to reason in the direction of your entire well-being.

(10) – The principle of discipline or temperance. 

It’s the Principle of Reaction. How do we react to events: we remain silent, or we act. All in all, acting or not acting is also acting. Just as choosing or not choosing is also making a choice.

(11) – The principle of reaction. 

This Is the Principle of Feelings. The man has in him an affected, emotional, sentimental capacity very dense: he can like to hate. There comes a time when we are animated by a love for a thing or a person strongly or weakly. Just like, we can be animated with hate strongly as weakly. It is not bad to love, but it depends on what we love, who we love, how we love. 

(12) – The principle of feelings. 

“A time of war, and a time of peace. Like the last part of the principles of life and time. “ Ecclesiastes 3: 8This is the principle of “struggles and quietness.” Indeed, the life of man is strewn with stability and instability. There are ups and downs. Life is a succession of joys and misfortunes, of victories and failures, of blessings and curses, of joys and sorrows, peace and anxiety, of stability and instability, of peace and struggle.

(13) – The principle of struggles and tranquility. 

This article is all about the principles of life and time with an essential message that coincidence does not exist. I urge you to read all other articles linked to this main article.

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