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What Does the Messiah Mean? What Is a Mission?

So what does the Messiah mean? As we have already said, after the sin of Adam and Eve, there was a need to be filled. Treatment to fill this need is written in a plan devised by God out of love for the fallen human race: THE PLAN OF REDEMPTION. To accomplish this plan, then, it took a living being to achieve this mission here on earth, especially a being who would take all our humanity.WHAT DOES THE MESSIAH MEAN?

This mission was to be performed by Jesus Christ the Messiah, the one who was first announced by God himself, after the sin of Adam and Eve, and then by the prophets of God, according to the Holy Scriptures (The Holy Bible). This Messiah is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

But What Is a Mission? What Does the Messiah Mean?

Etymologically in Latin, ” Missio ”. A mission is a charge given to someone with full powers to do something.

In Latin ” Messias ” means ” Anointed of the Lord ”, which means the Deliverer promised by God to all humanity. It is the Hebrew synonym for the word ” Christ ”.

Given the meaning of these two terms mission and messiah, it is appropriate to ask the following question: What was this mission of Jesus Christ (his messianic mission)? The answer to this question will be treated in this writing.

We call biblically speaking “Messianic Mission,” the burden that was given to the one who was coming to save humanity from his sins. He is the one sent by God for the salvation of humanity. The primary purpose of the Messianic mission was to save humanity.

And this mission was particular. For the Messiah was to live on this earth, then to die, to rise again, then to ascend to Heaven, to finally finish this work. This was the summary of the mission of Jesus Christ. I believe that now is more clear what does the Messiah means?

Now Author Thomson Dablemond invites you to understand the essential details of the mission of Jesus Christ.

1 – His Arrival (First Coming) and His Life on the Land (Earth)

The mission of Jesus Christ, concerned men. So it was necessary for him to come to earth to fulfill his mission. This coming of which we speak here concerns his first coming as a human being born of a virgin woman, to come and seek what was lost (Luke 19:10).

The coming of Jesus Christ means that God has kept his promise. Our God is faithful. Our God does not lie. Our God really loves us.

While coming to earth, Jesus Christ clothed all our humanity. Although being of divine origin, by coming to redeem the man, Christ had put on our humanity, thus putting himself in the skin of the second Adam.
Note that Jesus could also sin like Adam and Eve, and even like us. Because he had covered our humanity completely. His human nature was explicitly mentioned in the Bible (Hebrews 4: 15; 1 John 4: 2).
He possessed human characteristics (Mark 5: 27-32  ;  John 20: 27  ;  1 John 1: 1,14  ;  Matthew  4: 2  ;   Matthew  21:18  ;   John 19:28  ;   John 4: 6   ; Matthew 8: 20  ;  Mark 8: 2   ;  Luke 19:41  ;  Hebrews 2:14,17).

Born into a modest family, throughout his life, Jesus Christ walked according to God’s will: in a life of obedience, faithfulness, and love for God. Jesus Christ was tempted like us (men) in all things, without sin (Hebrews 4:15).

Just as Adam and Eve were given a test, Jesus also underwent a test: he was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4: 1-10). His victory over the Devil during the temptation gave him the license to lead this mission. Since Adam and Eve had failed, that is to say, had disobeyed God, it was necessary that Jesus Christ obey God before being able to lead this mission. And Jesus Christ has indeed remained, obedient, humble, and faithful to God throughout his earthly life. He respected the 10 commandments (Exodus 20: 1-17) and bowed to the will of God entirely out of love (Matthew 26:39) and fulfill the Old Testament (Matthew 5: 17-18).

Thus, the life of Jesus Christ an example for every man, the way to follow, the one that Adam and Eve should have done (obedience), as well as the one we are supposed to follow (obey God). It is the life of obedience and sanctification that has empowered Jesus Christ to be found able to die for the sins of humanity.

2 – His Death on the Cross: The Salvator Sacrifice

From birth to death, Jesus Christ remained obedient, faithful, and attached to God even in the smallest details, always remaining in fear of God and doing the will of God. Through his life, he has obtained God’s approval to bear the sins of humanity. For there was a need for a man without sin, blameless, such as a flawless lamb, male (Exodus 12: 5). Since it required more than a lamb, but a man living without a task, without sin to die to give himself as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of humanity. After living as a man and without sin (in obedience, humility in the sight of God), Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice for the remission of our sins.

The knot of the mission of Jesus Christ was his death on the cross. Even before the Lord of all glory came to the earth, he knew that he had only one ultimate purpose on earth: to sacrifice to redeem our souls. (See Mark 10:45). He did not die by accident, nor was he forced to die, because long before he went to the cross, he had mentioned it (see John 10: 17-18). He spoke incessantly about his death (See Mark 8: 31; Mark 9: 31; Mark 10: 33-34). Let us note with a force that he really died.
How to understand the reason and meaning of the death of Jesus Christ? How to understand what does the Messiah mean?

*** Why Jesus Christ  Did Die?

(1) – As a manifestation of God’s love for a lost world (John 3: 16; Romans 5: 8; 1 John 4: 9).

(2) – For the remission of our sins through His shed blood, which flowed on the cross. He shed his blood for the expiration of our sins once and for all (Matthew 26: 28; Hebrews 9: 22, 26).

(3) – For the mediation of the new alliance. Reconciling men with God (for sin separates us from God) by becoming the one and only mediator (Hebrews 9: 15; 1 Timothy 2: 5; Hebrews 8: 6; Hebrews 12: 24; Romans 5: 10 – 11; 2 Corinthians 5:18).

(4) – For the salvation of our souls to obtain the grace of God (Colossians 2: 13-14).

*** The Death of Jesus Christ on the Cross Expressed
(See  in 1 Corinthians 1: 17-31 and John 3: 16)

God’s righteousness: God hates sin. Sin destroys us. The wages of sin is death. We have sinned. So we are all deprived of the glory of God, and we must all perish in eternal condemnation. So, God put on Jesus Christ all our sins by crucifying him on the cross. He was the Lamb of God. By his death on the cross, he paid the price of our redemption. Let us understand that God judged the sinner and condemned him in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Our God has manifested his justice.

God’s Wisdom: The fact that God made this plan for us to be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is proof of the wisdom of God. Because God knew that we cannot justify ourselves by our own works, and no sacrifice could erase our sins. Jesus was the ideal sacrifice for the remission of our sins. Only the sacrifice of Jesus Christ could justify us before God. That is why, this wisdom of God, translates the fact that no man can boast of his merits justifying his salvation. For our salvation was made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of Golgotha! Thank you and Glory to Jesus Christ for the salvation of our souls! Amen!

God’s Love for Humanity: God through his only Son, gave himself to the cross for the salvation of our souls. It was out of love for humanity that God made this plan (2 Corinthians 5:21). No one deserves salvation. Because we are all sinners. No one is love like God. Blessed is he who lives from eternity to eternity, the God of our salvation! Amen!

The Power of God: Only God has the power to save us from sin and eternal death. This power of God showed that only God had the solution to our redemption. Only God could bring man from his perdition by way of the lamb.

Do you know? In the old days, for the remission of sins, men sacrificed animals. Cults, ceremonies, special rituals were made according to Jewish law for the forgiveness of sins. But it was ineffective and unsatisfied to erase our sins and then reconcile us to God indeed. Nevertheless, it was the shadow of things to come. And Christ, through His sacrifice, was the real and perpetual fulfillment (HEBREWS 9: 11-14, 26, HEBREWS 10: 5-10). The death of Christ on the cross put an end to all other systems of sacrifices. […]

God has indeed found, realized, and accomplished the solution for the redemption of the fallen human race. He promised, and he did it! How beautiful and how great is our God!
The sacrifice of Jesus Christ has been approved by God, which is why we have been accepted by God. Hence, Jesus Christ resurrected after His death on the Cross of Golgotha.

3 – His Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof that God has genuinely approved the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the redemption of mankind. That is why Jesus Christ was raised from the dead (Acts 2:24). This resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the seal of God’s approval of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. It is therefore clear proof that God was satisfied with the redemptive work of His Only-begotten Son on the cross. Jesus Christ was resurrected for our justification (Romans 4: 24-25). The proof that Jesus defeated Satan, sin, and death, by his work on the cross is translated by his resurrection.

The Devil and all his kingdom were against the success of the mission of Jesus Christ. Indeed, the cross was a struggle for eternal supremacy. Two mighty princes went to the cross: The Prince of Light (Jesus Christ) and the Prince of Darkness (Satan). By manifesting perfect obedience to God from birth to the cross, Jesus gave the Father’s disobedience (Satan) a technical KO and gained victory once and for all. He, therefore, defeated Satan (Colossians 2: 15; Hebrews 2: 14).

4 – The Ascension of the Messiah

The Ascension of Jesus Christ that is, the ascension of Jesus Christ to Heaven after His resurrection reflects the fact that from now on we will have access to Heaven, soon, thanks to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. In favor of humanity. In addition to being reconciled with God in Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ, it is now possible to live with God in Heaven for eternity at the end of this world.

*** What does it do in the sky for us after its ascension?

– To prepare a place for each one of us (John 14: 1-3).

– To sit on the Right of God … (Hebrews 10: 12-13).

– To intercede on our behalf, he, our high priest (Hebrews 7: 24-27; Hebrews 9: 24; Romans 8:34).

– He plays the role of a lawyer for us to God (1 John 2: 1-2).

– He sent the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth (Acts 2: 31-33).

– He governs the Church, sitting at the right hand of God (Ephesians 1: 20-22).

Just as Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, so He will return (Acts 1: 9-11). And so he will return in the same way to come and seek those who have believed in him: let us have this assurance and hope because it is satisfied: (1 Thessalonians 4: 1 3-17; Hebrews 9: 28).

Let us not forget that he will return to judge humanity (Acts 10:42   ;
2 Corinthians 5: 10; 2 Timothy 4: 1

5 – His Ministry When He Was Still on Earth

During his earthly life, Jesus Christ exercised a ministry, a specific ministry which, from near and far, contributed to the smooth running of his messianic mission. His ministry was aimed at:

– Announce the good news, heal and deliver the sick, etc. (Luke 4: 18-19)

– To make known the true God and also his only Son … (John 17: 3)

– To show men the way of truth and life (John 14: 6)

– Make known to men that the ways and will of God are those to which we must attach ourselves (John 6: 38-40) and many more.


It is with great love and humility that Jesus Christ accomplished all this tremendous redemptive work. Thank you to the Almighty Lord who took the initiative to conceive and fulfill this plan of redemption through the mission of Jesus Christ, the God of our Salvation. Glory, Honor, Praise, Adoration to our LORD  Jesus Christ, in the century of ages! Amen!

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