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Teleological Thinking – Everything Has a Purpose

Teleological thinking is based on the idea that everything has a purpose. So, if you ask, like a little kid, why is that cloud so dark? Or what’s the point of that cloud? The kid has an explanation: It’s to bring rain. Why does the zebra have stripes? Well, there’s a reason for it. Everything has a purpose. And evolutionarily speaking, there are reasons for a lot of these things. Why does the zebra have stripes? There are reasons for that.  Why does the chameleon change color? There are reasons for that. Teleological Thinking

Teleological Thinking – Everything Has a Purpose

But then we automatically think everything has a purpose. For example, why is that mountain there? Well, because God put it there. Why are we designed the way we are? Well, there had to be a designer who made us the way we are. And we’ve seen that sort of thinking when it comes to intelligent design and trying to push that into science curriculums across the country. Not everything has to have a purpose that goes back to God. There may be natural explanations for it. But for a lot of things that don’t have a natural explanation, and for things that look so incredibly designed, that they couldn’t possibly have been, you know, naturally designed, at least from people’s perspective, they’re very apt to just say a higher power must have been involved. So, it’s easy to believe that. I mean, I can understand why people believe that, but it’s not true. And there’s no evidence for that.

Teleological Thinking Is Easily Misled

It is necessary to get rid of thoughts about the purpose of life. Teleological thinking misleads us and drives us away from searching for truth. If we are talking about the purpose of life (causa finalis, teleological thinking), this already presupposes a higher instance of God. As we shall see, without having anything against the existence of God, such a deliberate, impetuous way of thinking is easily misled. It is misleading because, firstly, it is a great deal of exaggeration, the way out of the dilemma, and secondly because it throws the wrong light on God. This imputes to God the meaning and purpose of the official institution. It evokes God to someone who makes sense to man – which is ultimately the primitive and fundamental purpose of all religions. But in this manner has stolen those all-encompassing which, as we shall see, it really has explanatory power. The way to the answer here is just the opposite.

The Perspective of Those Who Are Asking

The question of whether life is meaningful can be entirely unreasonable in itself. The point is not whether the objective life has any meaning, purpose, meaning, and so on. The preliminary question is the perspective of those who are asking this question. This, of course, reminds us of Descartes, who with his formula cogito, ergo, sum asserted that the proof of the existence of man is that this man cognizes, he thinks.

Teleological Thinking Is Based on the Child’s Brain

Our brain is an outstanding product of evolution; ironically, perhaps, he may be responsible for the existence of natural predispositions to not accept evolution. Essentialism is only one cognitive trait that is demonstrated by children, who probably hinder the understanding of evolution. The following is “teleology,” that is, the tendency to put the purpose of things and objects to assume that they exist for some purpose. Recent research shows that four-year-olds and five-year-olds have a high level of teleological thinking, so they tend to think clouds are because of rain and that the lion’s purpose is to “go to the zoo.” The same tendency is evident to seven-year-olds and eighty-year-olds who have been asked: “why the old walls are sharp?” Gave the answers as “that the animal can scratch himself when itching them ” and “that the animals would not sit on them and smash the walls.”

The Side Effect of a Socially Intelligent Mind

Why do kids think this way? Why do kids thinking based on teleological thinking? One study suggests that this teleological disposition may be “the side effect of a socially intelligent mind that is naturally inclined to favor the explanation of intent.” In other words, our brain has developed to think about what people think, and people have their intentions and goals. If this is correct, it is possible that it is naturally more comfortable for us to accept anti-evolutionist doctrines such as intelligent design, which presupposes the existence of an intelligent agent (God) as the cause of the diversity of life on Earth and tries to reveal evidence of intentional design in biological organisms.
Why is this ubiquitous detector of God present in people? How do you know that God created everything? This phenomenon can also be a result of our brains. The results of the child’s mind in an adult man.

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