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How to Get Rid of Workaholic Symptoms

Work addiction is just like most other addictions. It’s not easy to recognize workaholic symptoms, and you’ll need to be mindful of it at all times so that you can win this battle.

The good news is that it’s easier to stop being a workaholic, unlike smoking or drug addiction. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy… and in these times, with the workload and stresses that abound, Jack might go mad if he doesn’t take a break.

The first step to understanding why you’re addicted to work will be to self-reflect on why you’re doing what you’re doing.

It Is Easier to Get Rid of Workaholic Symptoms and Addiction if You Understand Your Feelings

workaholic symptomsThere are often feelings of guilt or fear associated with working too much. You may feel guilty about not earning enough to provide for your family. Or maybe you’re working long hours to please your boss because you fear losing your job.

If you’re an entrepreneur who works 12 to 16-hour days to speed up the process and earn six figures a month, your lack of patience might be taking a toll on your physical and mental health.

Once you understand what’s making you work such long hours, you’ll be able to understand how to fix the root reason for the problem. It would be a good idea to speak to a professional for guidance in some cases.

Following a Schedule

The best way to break work addiction will be to have a fixed schedule that you blindly follow. This will mean starting work at the same time every day and stopping at the same time.

Ideally, it would help if you weren’t working more than 8 or 9 hours a day. You could push it up to 12 hours, but not beyond that. Even 12 hours is extreme.

If you work a day job, leave the moment work ends. Staying longer at the office is not a reflection of your dedication but a display of your lack of productivity.

All work you need to complete for the day needs to get done within working hours. Then it’s time for you to switch off and wind down.

It would help if you were extremely strict with this routine of starting and stopping work at the same time daily. This will help you cut your addiction to work and help you let go of the need to keep hustling and grinding to do more and more to a point where it’s a never-ending cycle.

Increase Productivity to Get Rid of Workaholic Symptoms

You can be able to get more done in less time by increasing your productivity. People often spend time at the water cooler gossiping or attending unnecessary meetings that are time wasters.

Eliminate all time-wasting activities from your work schedule. Use a Pomodoro timer to keep you on track and focused. You want to be doing work that matters and not just ‘busy work’ that makes it look like you’re working – but what you’re doing is irrelevant, and you’ll need to spend more time doing the relevant work later.


Whatever can be automated should be automated. Whatever can be delegated should be delegated.

Time is your most important resource. Micromanaging and perfectionism will only stress you out. Pass off your mundane tasks to someone else if you can, and solely focus on the essential functions that matter.

You may need to pay for software or hire help (workers, freelancers, etc.) to handle your workload. The investment will pay for itself many times over by freeing up your time so that you’re not overworked.

Exercise to Getting Rid of Workaholic Symptoms

Exercise is fantastic for giving you a mental break from work stresses. It’ll also release dopamine in your body.

Try to end every workday with a 20-minute exercise session. It could be yoga or sprints, or just some bodyweight training. These 20 minutes will help your body stretch the muscles, and get the heart pumping and the blood flowing.

You’ll feel better and less stressed out. You’ll also have something to look forward to after work, provided you enjoy the activity you’re doing. So, find a fun one.

“Workaholics are addicted to activity; super achievers are committed to results.” – Charles Garfield.

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