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How Do You View Your Life – From Below or From Above?

How do you view your life? Do you look at life just from below, or do you perhaps see the final plan from above?

When I was a boy, my mother often spent long winter days making tapestries. At first, I wasn’t interested in what he was doing, but later I started noticing that he was doing something unusual. I once sat down at her feet, looked down at the underside of the tapestry, and asked what she was doing. She replied that she was making a tapestry. I told her then that what she was doing from below looked very ugly, messy, and shaggy. Scattered ends of dyed wool hung everywhere under the canvas base. I asked my mom why she was taking such an ugly picture.

My mother smiled, looked at me, and said gently:

“Son, you’d better go play with your toys a little more, and I’ll invite you when I’m done. Then I’ll explain what I’m doing. ”

So I left wondering why she was doing such a messy job. I didn’t even believe it looked much better on her part. After a while, my game was interrupted by my mother’s voice:

“Son, come see!”

I came into the living room, and she showed me to sit on her lap. I remember being almost stunned when I saw the perfectly folded threads of colored wool, which formed the image of a flower at sunset. I couldn’t believe it because from below, everything looked so messy.

Then my mother said to me:

“My son, when you looked from down, all this looked messy and shaggy. But you didn’t know then that there was a drawing on the upper side of the canvas according to which I made this painting. It was a kind of plan. I just followed him. Now that you look at it all from the right side, you see beautiful and meaningfully complex shapes when you are above the tapestry.”

Since that day, many times in my life, I have come to such difficult circumstances that I have often raised my gaze to heaven and asked God, “Father, what are you doing?” In the quiet moments of prayer, I had the deep impression that he, like my mother, was answering me: “I am making a tapestry. I weave a picture of your life.” Then, in my pain, I would say to him: “But from my side, it looks like a big mess and trouble. Nothing is going right for me. Everything is so messy and pointless.” And he would answer me convincingly: “My child, you are doing my job instead of your responsibilities. Trust me. I have a plan on top of the canvas of your life that I am working towards it. One day I will bring you to myself, and you will have the opportunity to see from here the tapestry of your life, a meaningful and wonderful image that you will admire.”

How Do You View Your Life?

How do you view your life? Do you believe in destiny? If you believe so, you are close to believing that someone intelligent has an impact on your life. And there is. But that is not destiny, nor is your life strictly defined. God only has a plan according to which, if we allow Him, He can bring meaning into our weaving. From below, from here on earth, everything can seem out of order to us. But if we make friends with the Creator, we will have peace so that everything goes in some order. The comforting words of God come to us through the prophet Jeremiah: “For I know my thoughts which I have with you, saith the LORD, the thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

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