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The Importance of Love for Children

Do you aware of the importance of love for children? To love one’s child is the greatest benefit we can bring to our child.  So show kindness and love to your child every day. What children expect more from their parents is that they express to them their love and affection most simply and practically. Whether you are rich or poor, intellectual or not, regardless of race, nationality: what your child expects from you is your love. I write to you who read this article: In the expression of your love for your child, he will find everything he needs for his joy, growth, and well-being.

In this article, we can give some practical tips to express your love to your child.

Be Aware of the Importance of Love for Children

Every child needs the kindness and friendliness of his parents. Do not deprive your child of this. Do not forget to say most often with tenderness and smile to your child: “I love you. »; ”  I am proud of you. »; “You are my greatest joy.” Tell him the sweet and sincere words. Show your child that you care about their well-being. And he knows that you are interested in his well-being. Be aware in every moment the importance of love for children.

Listen Carefully to Your Child


Spend time conversing with him about his needs, worries, etc. To be his friend, his confidant, his partner … Be quick to tell him the truth, it does not matter. Do not have a relationship of hypocrisy and sincerity towards your child. Children always need to be listened to. Arrange to be a confidant for your child. Create a bond of trust, cooperation, the intimacy between you and your children. Be open with your child. Seek to win your child’s trust. Have an ear always ready to listen to your child. Allow your child to break free and trust you comfortably. In short, listening means to be aware of the importance of love for children.

Always Be There to Support Him

You must be their first support and source of motivation towards them regarding the exercises, the competitions and the challenges that they may face. The best motivation for the child comes from the support and approval of his parents. However, if you really love your child, do not encourage him or her in the wrong way. Always be there at the right time and in the right cause. Supporting your child at any time and in any place is also expressing your love for your child. Work and do all for a better future for him. If you are aware of the importance of love for children, you will always be there to support them.

Contribute to the Mental and Intellectual Development of Your Child

In this way, you will contribute to the mental and intellectual development of your child, and even to his success in studies. Children love when the father or mother plays the master or mistress. It is an easy way of learning for the child. May your child see you as a source of knowledge and education. Be a model for your child.

Feel Free to Express Your Pride Every Time He Has Success

The more you congratulate him warmly for his exploits or his efforts, the more he will always seek to do better. Encouraging and recognizing the merit of your success on your part will be an advantage for your child. This will create in him the will to always do better. And if it happens that it fails or makes a mistake, show understanding and cheer up. Avoid telling him, ” you are stupid,” ” You are a hopeless ” even when he made a mistake or failed …
Let’s break a parenthesis. In applied psychology, we learn different types of signs of recognition. Whereas the tentative signs of recognition related to the action of the individual. While the positive signs of recognition are about being, the personality. Therefore, we have four types to know:
– Positive conditional signs of recognition (C +):
They affect the individual for what he has done and have a gratifying character that stimulates in him the continuity in his actions.
– Negative conditional signs of recognition (C-):
They affect the individual for what he has done and have a character of reprimand, a disavowal that stimulates in him the need for correction.
– Positive unconditional signs of recognition (I +):
They affect the individual for what he is and have a gratifying character that stimulates his autonomy and his elevation.
– Negative unconditional signs of recognition (I-):
They affect the individual for what he is and have a character of reprimand and disavowal which constitutes a destructive load harmful to its blooming.
Let’s get back to our subject, asking parents about what applied psychology teaches us, do not put in your child’s mind that it’s useless in life or that it’s just a little less than nothing. On the contrary, tell him he has importance and value.

Instill in Him the Belief in God and the Familiarization with the Bible

Tell your child stories in the Bible. This will help to educate and instruct the child on the way to follow and to know what God expects of him in particular. So that he knows how to do things in everyday life, every day, and on all levels. Talk to him about your belief in God. Teach the child to read and meditate the Bible and also pray by doing it regularly with him … It is very important for the child to get to know God, to facilitate his familiarity with God, his belief and his fear of God. Belief in God gives meaning to life. Whether we want it or not, without God we are nothing. It is in our interest to know God and especially to maintain a relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Because, we depend on him entirely (the breath of life, the existence).

Spend Time with Your Child

You will also demonstrate through the giving time that you understand the importance of love for children. Finding the time to play with the child (especially educational games) is a very important thing in a child’s life. Yes, the child needs you to think of time with him, it creates strong bonds between him and you. Knowing that he is playing educational games with his parents, as entertainment, contributes to his fulfillment, his joy, and his well-being. So, the love that the child will have for you will grow.

Give Him Braces When He Is Not at His Best

It is a question of showing him your sympathy. Thus, the child will know and realize that he has support, that there is a person who cares for him, and that coming from his parents can only provide him with comfort. Bring comfort to your child. It’s about his well-being.

Show him pictures of his childhood and the unforgettable moments of his life

It will serve to mark memories in his mind, and to engrave in his mind how you cared for him and that you care about him: He will understand that he has importance in your life and in his family.

Take a Serious Look at His Education

Childhood education is the greatest legacy that parents can offer. A well-educated child can be the pride of the family and thus of society. A mother can do everything (sacrifices, affections) for her child, but if she has missed her education: it is tantamount to failure for her. A father can give everything (wealth, goods), but if he has missed his education, it is tantamount to failure for him.

Note that this list is not exhaustive, but it is consistent and effective to express his love for his child …

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Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook: Using Mindfulness and Connection to Raise Resilient, Joyful Children and Rediscover Your Love of Parenting


By (author)  Dr. Laura Markham


This book is an extremely useful guide for parents in connecting with their children’s emotions. It is highly gratifying to finally see a research-based guide for parents. Every parent will want a copy of this book.  I highly recommend this book to all parents

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