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Blood and Blood Circulation System

What is the definition of blood? What is the role of blood? What is the constitution of the blood? How to improve your blood circulation system? What are the vessels of the circular system?  These are the questions that will be the subject of this article in order to understand everything about blood.

Summary of the articleBlood circulation system

I – Definition of blood

II – Role of blood

III – Constitution of the blood

IV – Which foods are necessary for the production of blood?

      1 – The plasma

      2 – The figured elements

V – The vessels of the circulatory system

      1 – The arteries

      2 – Arterioles

      3 – Capillaries and Venules

      4 – Veins

VI – How to improve the blood circulation system?

      1 – Drink and Move.

      2 – Foods that help improve the circulation of blood.

I – Definition of Blood

Blood is the red, viscous liquid that circulates in the vessels throughout the body, where it plays essential and multiple roles. An individual contains 5 to 7 L of blood in his body, which is about 8% of his total weight.

Blood is an organic fluid set in motion (sucked and repressed) by the heart and circulates in all arteries, veins, and capillaries. It is composed of plasma, white blood cells (leucocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes).

The most important biological fluid that irrigates all organs brings them oxygen and nutrients and rids them of their waste. The blood is composed of 55% plasma and 45% cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

An adult has about 3.1019 blood cells. Each cubic millimeter of blood contains 4.5 to 5.5 million red blood cells and 7,500 white blood cells on average.

The red and white blood cells are continually destroyed, and the body makes new ones permanently. About 2.5 million red cells die every second, and about 2.5 million new cells are made at the same time.

II – Role of Blood

Blood is used to:

– distribute nutrients throughout the body,

– bring oxygen to the cells,

– eliminate waste and carbon dioxide,

– transport substances synthesized by cells, such as hormones,

– participate in the thermoregulation of the body.

In addition, blood and its constituents protect the tissues against extreme pH variations and fight against foreign substances and toxic micro-organisms.

This red organic fluid circulates in the arteries and veins under the impulse of the heart; Blood distributes oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to all cells, tissues, and organs of the body and then disposes of them. Blood also plays a role in immune defense.

Note that blood is one of the three main liquids of the body (the other two are liquids located around and inside cells). It carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormone messengers to every cell in the body and wastes from them. He also has a role in defending the body against foreign bodies.

III – The Constitution of the Blood

Blood consists of two components: a liquid, called plasma, and another, non-liquid, which we call figurative elements.

Blood consists of four main elements: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.

(1) The Plasma

Plasma is a liquid composed of about 90% water. It carries hormones and cellular waste. It contains :

– Plasma proteins, which have a major role in maintaining the volume of fluid circulating in the blood vessels.

There are different types of plasma proteins:

Albumin (55%) has the ability to bind with certain molecules (free fatty acids, certain drugs) and thus ensures a very important transport function,

Globulins (38%) are made by the liver cells. There are alpha-globulins and beta-globulins, which are mainly involved in the transport of fat-soluble substances in the blood, and gamma-globulins also called antibodies, which have a major role in the defense processes of the body.

Fibrinogen (7%) is a protein directly involved in the process of blood coagulation,

• A tiny amount of protein hormones and enzymes move between their place of synthesis and their target cells in order to regulate the different biochemical or physiological processes under their control.

– Nutrients. As a result of intestinal absorption, we find in the blood all the nutrients from the digestion of food (amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, minerals, and vitamins …). These nutrients, in transit in the blood, will satisfy the cells’ different needs of synthesis and energy production.

Dissolved gases: oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen (N).

Electrolytes. These are ions that play a role in maintaining the physiological balance of the body (water balance, acid-base balance …).

(2) The Figured Elements

Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are the most abundant cells in our body. They carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. They are the ones who give the color red to the blood. Hemoglobin is a constituent of erythrocytes that can unite with oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Leukocytes (white blood cells) are formed in the red marrow of the bones and are mainly transported in the circulatory system. There are 3 classes of leukocytes that participate in our immune defenses.

Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, play a role in blood clotting and other hemostatic processes.

IV – Which Foods Are Necessary for the Production of  Blood?

The production of blood cells, especially that of red blood cells, requires a sufficient and balanced diet. Undernutrition is a cause of a lack of red blood cells (or anemia).

Particularly needed are iron, and vitamins of group B, especially B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamin).

These elements are more particularly provided:

– For iron (daily needs that the intestine must absorb in adults: 1-2 mg for men, 2-3 mg for women): meat and liver; spinach, lentils, dried fruits

– For B9: fresh green vegetables

– For B12: it is brought with proteins of animal origin.

V – The Vessels of the Circulatory System

1 – The Arteries

The arteries carry the oxygenated blood from the heart to the organs and the deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs. Their wall consists of 3 layers:

The outer layer: the weed. It consists of connective tissue with blood vessels feeding the walls. It also contains nerve fibers,

The central layer: the media. It is mostly composed of smooth muscle tissue. It gives flexibility and contractility to the vessel, which is essential for the regulation of pressure and cardiac output,

The inner layer: the intima. It is composed of cells in direct contact with the blood, which are permeable to small substances, such as white blood cells and water.

2 – Arterioles

These are vessels of small caliber following large arteries and bringing blood into the capillaries.

3 – Capillaries and Venules

The capillaries connect the arteries and veins to the tissues of the body. They carry and recover blood from each cell of the body and are the seat of gaseous exchange between blood and tissues. The veinlets follow the venous capillaries, which meet themselves in veins to bring the blood back to the heart.

4 – Veins

These vessels are responsible for carrying oxygen-poor blood and metabolic wastes, organs to the heart, and oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. The wall of the veins is comparable to that of the arteries; only the media is much thinner. It is the weed that makes up the bulk of the wall. Meanwhile, the intima is covered with “anti-reflux valves,” arranged every 4 to 5 cm and essential for venous return. They float in the natural direction of the flow and mate when the flow reverses. In addition, the wall of the veins is elastic, solid, and impermeable, which allows them to bring the used blood back to the heart by opposing gravity.

The venous circulation is ensured by 2 networks of veins: one superficial (saphenous veins), which collects blood from the superficial tissues, and the other deep (femoral veins).

VI – How to Improve the Blood Circulation System?

It can happen that we have poor blood circulation; in this case, what to do? With this concern, we will be interested in the following lines. Or how to improve the blood circulation system?

At the first sign of malfunction of the circulatory system, it is important to consult a doctor and change his lifestyle. Smoking cessation and sports, for example, can significantly improve your health.

Our body contains thousands of blood vessels. With the help of the heart and muscles, they allow blood to circulate throughout the body. But when this system works poorly, it slows down or blocks the blood circulation system. The cells then have trouble getting the oxygen and nutrients they need. These symptoms can affect a person’s quality of life and cause serious complications.

The causes of poor blood circulation are easier to treat when a doctor detects them early. This is why it is important to watch for the first signs: when the limbs do not have enough blood, the hands or feet can become cold and numb.

If you have fair skin, your legs may have a blue tinge. Poor blood circulation system can also dry up your skin, make your nails brittle and make your hair fall, especially on your feet and legs.

Some men may have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. And if you have diabetes, your scrapes, wounds, or wounds tend to heal more slowly.

1 – Drink and Move.

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor will consider symptoms, risk factors, family history, and the results of several tests. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause. But even before receiving medication, there are some techniques you can apply yourself to improve your circulation.

To improve the poor blood circulation system, the principle is simple: Drink and Move.

– Nicotine damages the walls of your arteries and thickens your blood. If you smoke, stop. It can be difficult to stick to, but your pharmacist or doctor can help you.

– Check your blood pressure once a month in a pharmacy. If it is too high, it can cause arteriosclerosis, a condition that hardens the arteries.

– Blood is about half of water. You must stay hydrated to keep it moving. Aim for 8 glasses of water a day.

– Staying for hours is not good for your traffic. Plan breaks to get up and regularly walk during the day.

– Exercise: yoga, raising your legs, running, walking, biking or swimming are great exercises to strengthen your heart, lower your blood pressure and improve your health. circulation. Set a goal of exercising for 30 minutes, 5-7 days a week.

2 – Foods Helping to Improve Blood Circulation System.

There are many different ways to improve venous circulation, including nutrition, by adding foods known for their circulation-stimulating properties to the diet, such as the 13 “superfoods” listed here. The following superfoods are known to contribute to better circulation.

*** Oranges

Oranges and other citrus fruits rich in vitamin C are natural blood thinners, which would strengthen the capillary walls and avoid the formation of plaques causing poor circulation.

*** Dark Chocolate

Cocoa contains flavonoids that are found naturally in plants and fruits and are associated with a better blood circulation system. A study published in the Circulation Journal indicates that dark chocolate, rich in natural flavonoids, improves blood circulation compared to white chocolate, which contains no flavonoids.

For choco-addicts, it’s very good news: chocolate is excellent for the blood circulation system.

However, there is no question of taking white chocolate or milk; the one we are interested in is dark chocolate containing 70% minimum cocoa.

*** Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is found in the form of fresh or dried spice and is associated with increased metabolic rate and strengthening of arteries and blood vessels. Cayenne pepper is best eaten raw, in a salad, or in juice.

With capsaicin, cayenne pepper stimulates the blood circulation system and strengthens the arteries.

Be careful, though: pregnant women should avoid consuming them.

*** Sun-Flower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which has been shown to help prevent clots. These seeds are a great way to help improve circulation. The same goes for foods such as olives, nuts, and pumpkin seeds.

*** Ginger Root

Ginger is known for its properties that relieve nausea and digestive disorders and improve blood circulation. Ginger can be consumed raw or mixed with other foods or in the form of tea.

No more ginger and its many properties. This root, frequently used in natural medicine, is excellent for stimulating the blood circulation system.

Consume it fresh and not powdered. Grate it raw and let it steep in hot water.

*** Garlic

Garlic has many virtues, such as cleaning the blood and helping prevent plaque formation. Other foods from the bulb vegetable group, such as radishes, onions, and leeks, are also very effective in stimulating blood circulation.

Our elders already knew the many virtues of garlic and its beneficial effect on the blood circulation system.

What is the ideal to consume it? In the morning, raw and fasting. Effective even if its taste and smell can disturb you … and your surroundings!

*** Ginkgo Biloba

One of the oldest tree species in the world, Ginkgo biloba dilates blood vessels and thus increases blood flow. It is also thought to increase blood flow to the brain.

*** Goji Berries

Goji berries are found in health food stores and resemble raisins. They are rich in fiber, which helps stimulate the immune system and promote blood circulation system.

They invite themselves more and more to table small Goji berries! And for a good reason, they are rich in antioxidants, including carotenoids.

Do not hesitate to put them in your salads to enjoy their virtues.

*** Watermelon

Watermelon is rich in lycopene, a natural antioxidant that is associated with better circulation. Lycopene is a natural pigment that gives certain foods their red color. Tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and apricots also contain lycopene.

This juicy and moisturizing fruit is an excellent diuretic and antioxidant. It thus prevents the formation of blood clots.

A fruit to consume without moderation when you suffer from varicose veins!

*** Salmon and Avocados

Salmon and avocados contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to contribute to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and improved blood circulation system.

Salmon is a fatty fish with tasty meat and is appreciated by gourmets. And this is good because, being rich in omega 3 and fatty acid, it is ideal for improving the blood circulation system!

Remember though, that it is advisable to alternate fatty fish and lean fish in its diet.

*** The Red Vine

Thanks to the proanthocyanidins (OPC) that compose it, the red vine is particularly recommended to improve blood circulation.

Whether in powder form of capsule, infusion, balm, or drops of mother tincture, enjoy its benefits and relieve your varicose veins and heavy legs.

*** Turmeric

Turmeric has become, in recent years, a must for natural healing. This superfood has multiple properties: antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and antiseptics.

It is also excellent for improving the blood circulation system because it decreases plaque buildup in the arteries.

*** Green Tea

Do you like drinking tea? Good! Green tea is great for your health! This drink, rich in anti-oxidants, is particularly recommended to improve blood circulation.

So do not deprive yourself and drink 3 cups of green tea a day.

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